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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Khyber natives seeking vacation home

    me and my duo buddy are vacationing here in orien, starting fresh with no gear/loot vet status/ 32 pt build or any thing.

    the point? to prove that smart playing good builds and team work are more important than gear.

    that being said any guild out there that rewards those ideas and could help us get a boost up we would be happy to be a part of. look us up in game me (kalrak) or send a msg to me here. thanks and happy playing.

  2. #2
    Community Member psymun's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    With the whole Guild Renown thing, you may have trouble trying to find a guild that will accept temporary members, regardless of skill or attitude.

    That being said, I like your line of thinking, goes well with mine...

    Look up Intel Rq'd and we'll help you out in your adventures, we're always willing to help.

    I don't want to name names, but I know there are numerous other guilds that are willing to help you out, but like I said, I'm not sure if any of them are willing to take on temporary players.
    Dynacel (30 Paladin Vanguard), Eminence (30 Druid Caster), Nymari (20 Deepwood Sniper) Soulfusion (18/2 Artificer Monk)

    Leader of Intel Rq'd

  3. #3
    Community Member ~jradnut's Avatar
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    Yall aint from 'round here aire ye.....?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by psymun View Post
    With the whole Guild Renown thing, you may have trouble trying to find a guild that will accept temporary members

    well we still don't know how temporary this move is. might end up sticking around for a while, if we fall in with a good group, might even transfer some characters over. it all just depends we are enjoying our self's for the time being, and hope to make new friends.

  5. #5
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    Intel has some good people, I used to run with them a lot.

    I hope you like it here on Orien, it has some of the best people/guilds (my opinion of course). The only potential downside I see for you, is that you can not transfer toons from another server to this one, only away from it.

    Happy gaming to the both of you.
    Last edited by Dlusin; 04-06-2011 at 05:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member AcesWylde's Avatar
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    Depends of what you're looking for, and what play style you favor.

    Fellowship of the Covenant is small casual guild of pretty laid back players. We were originally a static group of players from various guilds, and formed a temporary 'holding' guild to hold all our alts until they could find a permanent home, but we liked running together so much we eventually moved everyone together, so we don't mind someone joining up until they find someplace they like better.

    We probably have about a hundred characters, but under a dozen accounts, of which only 4 are active at the moment. Most of us try to play at least once a day, and tend to group up in the evenings as schedules permit. We don't tend to pug much, rather running hirelings instead. Nor do we raid very often, mostly running quests for loot/xp/favor.

    We don't zerg, unless, there is no xp to be gained at all, instead we take the time to get all the optionals, and most quests take longer for us because we like to bs and have fun. And we all have kids, so it's also not unusual to pause in quest for some reason or another, and we don't use profanity over voice.

    What levels/classes are you? most of our active toons are either 12-16 or capped at 20, though I wouldn't mind rolling someone to run with you.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jradnut View Post
    Yall aint from 'round here aire ye.....?
    You best be careful yeee? dem fightin words

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