Returning player here and downloaded the new client, installed, logged in, started making a new character (a little disappointed my old characters were gone, and of course all my char names taken...but I digress) then logged out. Tried logging back in a little while later and got this error:
System.MissingMEthodException: ?
at com.turbine.launcher.forms.errorform.initializeCom ponent()
at com.turbine.launcher.forms.errorform.ini(form owner, string text,
String caption, ErrorFormButtons buttons, ErrorFormIcon icon,
Errorformdefaultbutton defaultbutton, int32 code, string helplink,
string details)
at com.turbine.launcher.forms.errorform..ctor(form owner, string
text, string caption, errorformbuttons buttons, errorformicon icon,
errorformdefaultbutton defaultbutton, int32 code, exception exception)
at ownder, string
text, string caption, errorformbuttons buttons, errorformicon icon,
errorformdefaultbutton defaultbutton, int32 code, object detailobj)
at owner, string
text, string caption)
at com.turbine.launcher.launcher.launcher.reporterror (String text, string
caption, boolean fatal)
at com.turbine.launcher.launcher.loglibraryinfofromfi le(String
at com.turbine.launcher.launcher.logmoduleversioninfo ()
at com.turbine.launcher.launcher.initialize()
at com.turbine.launcher.launcher.fadeinorout()
at ks()
So... any thoughts? Why did it work then not work a few minutes later?
Please advise...