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  1. #1
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    Default Update 9: Crafting

    So from what I read I can take the prefixes off 1 item and put them on another item. So in theory that means I can take a +5 khopesh find a Khopesh of pure good and a Metalline Khopesh and make a +5 metalline khopesh of pure good.
    Is this correct?

  2. #2
    Community Member KristovK's Avatar
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    Yes....and no.

    Crafting doesn't work that way, but it will let you make that +5 metalline khopesh of pure good..eventually.

  3. #3


    basically crafting is similiar to what you are proposing, but the road is not as direct as that

    Step 1: you can deconstruct, here you have 4 options

    1.remove all magic and get a blank craftable item
    2.remove suffix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type
    3.remove prefix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type
    4. remove enchantment +1-+5

    Step 2: Craft shards based on the ingredients
    create a suffix shard or a porefix shard or an enchantment shard, These require the ingredients you deconstructed(usually it takes multiple deconstructs to make enough ingredients to make one shard, also many shard recipes have 2 levels of ingredients, deconstructing mostly gives you the small ones and the others have to be looted from chests and end rewards.
    Step 3 apply shard to blank, so to make your +5 metalline of pure good khopesh, you would need to make a +5 enchantment shard, a metalline shard(if they exist) and a pure good shard and apply all to weapon
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  4. #4
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    basically crafting is similiar to what you are proposing, but the road is not as direct as that

    Step 1: you can deconstruct, here you have 4 options

    1.remove all magic and get a blank craftable item
    2.remove suffix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type
    3.remove prefix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type
    4. remove enchantment +1-+5

    Step 2: Craft shards based on the ingredients
    create a suffix shard or a porefix shard or an enchantment shard, These require the ingredients you deconstructed(usually it takes multiple deconstructs to make enough ingredients to make one shard, also many shard recipes have 2 levels of ingredients, deconstructing mostly gives you the small ones and the others have to be looted from chests and end rewards.
    Step 3 apply shard to blank, so to make your +5 metalline of pure good khopesh, you would need to make a +5 enchantment shard, a metalline shard(if they exist) and a pure good shard and apply all to weapon
    Step 2 should read Craft shards based on the ingredients and your chance of success vs your current level in that field, i.e. Arcane, Divine and Elemental.

    You can see a demo of crafting that I made here.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  5. #5
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    basically crafting is similiar to what you are proposing, but the road is not as direct as that

    Step 1: you can deconstruct, here you have 4 options

    1.remove all magic and get a blank craftable item [Retains metal type and guild slot, does not keep metalline]
    2.remove suffix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type [destoyes item]
    3.remove prefix and gain ingredients that are grouped based on suffix type [destoyes item]
    4. remove enchantment +1-+5 [destoyes item]

    Step 2: Craft shards based on the ingredients
    create a suffix shard or a porefix shard or an enchantment shard, These require the ingredients you deconstructed(usually it takes multiple deconstructs to make enough ingredients to make one shard, also many shard recipes have 2 levels of ingredients, deconstructing mostly gives you the small ones and the others have to be looted from chests and end rewards. [the ingreediants you gain are used for many different enhanceents so you could for instance remove Ogre Power from an item and use the ingredients you gain to make a Health shard. Also there is a chance to fail creating the shard and lose the ingrediants]
    Step 3 apply shard to blank, so to make your +5 metalline of pure good khopesh, you would need to make a +5 enchantment shard, a metalline shard(if they exist) and a pure good shard and apply all to weapon
    Some clarification in red.

  6. #6
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    Is this correct?
    Long story short?

    You can craft a metalline pure good Khopesh, but you can't strip enchantments from a given weapon and graft them onto another piece of gear.
    Not only you don't need to, but you don't even need to strip a single metalline, or pure good weapon to do so.


    This new crafting got some fairly misleading PR.
    As they mentioned above, you need raw essences to do your crafting - assuming your crafting levels are high enough.

    Raw essences you can strip from any kind of magical item, not just "prized" ones.
    You could tear down bracers of sustenance and maces of shattermantle, to get the essences you need for a metalline pg - good and chaos.

    While yield is fairly low now, devs mentioned they actually raised it, and nothing prevents them from further tweaking the system.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    So from what I read I can take the prefixes off 1 item and put them on another item. So in theory that means I can take a +5 khopesh find a Khopesh of pure good and a Metalline Khopesh and make a +5 metalline khopesh of pure good.
    Is this correct?
    No, you can destroy 32 items that have pure good (or holy, holy burst, healing, ardor, benevolence) as a suffix and add it to a +5 silver khopesh if you spend about 2 months breaking down several thousand other items & turning those into hundreds of shards that you have no use for, at all, ever.

    Oh, and metalline is broken or not added yet.
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  8. #8
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeolwind View Post
    No, you can destroy 32 items that have pure good (or holy, holy burst, healing, ardor, benevolence) as a suffix and add it to a +5 silver khopesh...
    Not quite.
    You can't add anything to finished items.
    You first need to disjoint them - a bit like formatting the medium.


    If I may suggest a further tweak to crafting: unfinished items reminded me of open-session DVDs.
    Maybe we could be allowed to "finish" the crafting by a further ritual, and maybe make a bound item unbound, by spending more ingredients.
    * Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *

  9. #9
    Community Member Keylon's Avatar
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    I have a ring with a medium guild augment slot I use it for sp on my wizard and I have a kama with greater parrying can I put greater parying on the ring?

  10. #10
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keylon View Post
    I have a ring with a medium guild augment slot I use it for sp on my wizard and I have a kama with greater parrying can I put greater parying on the ring?
    again, you do not take the ability off of one item and put it on another.

    you have the following four deconstruct options. *none* of them allow you to transfer a property from one item to another.

    1) create a blank. removes everything from the item except augment slots and material.
    2) destroy the item to create ingredients based on the prefix.
    3) destroy the item to create ingredients based on the suffix.
    4) destroy the item to get an enhancement bonus (not entirely clear on how this works, couldn't get mine to apply).

    again, there is no way to take a good ability from one item or weapon and add it to another.

    as for specifically adding parrying to your ring... i don't think so. each enchantment has specific slots it can go in. some enchantments don't have shard recipes yet, either. i'm pretty sure parrying has to go on a weapon or a shield, if it's even in the list.

  11. #11
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Again, the crafting isn't that simple.

    You can strip the Greater Parrying off the ring. You will destroy the ring. You will receive some materials from this process. With those materials, and other materials from other items, you would be able to craft a Greater Parrying shard.

    *IF* Greater Parrying were a shard, which it's not. ~and~
    *IF* you have the crafting level to make the shard.

  12. #12
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    It is clearly not working as described by Fernando in the interview from PAX.
    I have my paralizing kama! what do i do with it now? save for later?

  13. #13
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    It is clearly not working as described by Fernando in the interview from PAX.
    I have my paralizing kama! what do i do with it now? save for later?
    Fernando's PAX interview is obviously a typical example of a corporate boss that dont really know what his employees actually are doing.

    Pretty much like Dilbert's boss

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