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Thread: Stunning DC

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2011

    Default Stunning DC

    Does the of Stunning + X stack across two weapons? For example, would wielding two stunning +4 weapons mean 8 greater stunning DC total?

    Also, does the actual weight of a weapon affect the DC of stunning blow? The example being: A heavy mace (which has a weight of 8) will result in a higher stunning blow DC than a light mace (Which has a weight of 4.)

    First post, but I'm having trouble finding the answers to these.

  2. #2
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oscillator View Post
    Does the of Stunning + X stack across two weapons? For example, would wielding two stunning +4 weapons mean 8 greater stunning DC total?

    Seeker, Stunning, Vertigo, Sneak Attack bonus and whatever the thing is that adds to Sunder DC's all work on both weapons that you weild even if you only have the attribute on one weapon.

    If you are a TWF melee character, you can put Seeker on one weapon and Sneak Attack Bonus on the other weapon and both weapons will get both effects.

    Also, does the actual weight of a weapon affect the DC of stunning blow? The example being: A heavy mace (which has a weight of 8) will result in a higher stunning blow DC than a light mace (Which has a weight of 4.)
    No, the Heavy vs. Light on a weapon does not have an effect on the DC of stunning blow or any other attack.

    Edit: I misread the question. Morning posting + no caffene = bad answers.
    I somehow read the question as asking if 1 stunning weapon in one hand would add to the Stunning DC of a weapon held in the second hand. Two stunning weapons do not both add to stunning DC's as other people have pointed out.
    Last edited by PopeJual; 04-04-2011 at 10:26 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    + to stun in one hand effect both hands but 2 + stun weapons don't stack

    actual weight doesn't matter
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks both of you. Was really helpful!

  5. #5
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Reply 2 is wrong.

    Weilding multiple +stunning items will not stack and increase your DC. only the highest one will apply.

    You can verify this ingame by mousing over your stunning blow feat.

    Weight of a weapon currently has no impacts at all on any gameplay mechanics aside from possibly brining up your carying capacity too high. Which I think is a bit wrong, but oh well.

  6. #6
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oscillator View Post
    Does the of Stunning + X stack across two weapons? For example, would wielding two stunning +4 weapons mean 8 greater stunning DC total?
    No. Wielding two stunning +4 weapons is exactly the same as wielding one stunning +4 weapon. Your highest level of stunning gets added to both weapon attacks.

    For example:
    wielding two light maces of stunning +4 -- all attacks have +4 to stunning blow DC
    Wielding a rapier in main hand and light mace of stunning +6 in off hand -- all attacks have +6 to stunning blow DC
    Wielding a heavy mace of stunning +4 in main hand and a light mace of stunning +6 in off hand -- all attacks have +6 to stunning blow DC

    Quote Originally Posted by Oscillator View Post
    Also, does the actual weight of a weapon affect the DC of stunning blow? The example being: A heavy mace (which has a weight of 8) will result in a higher stunning blow DC than a light mace (Which has a weight of 4.)
    No. Stunning blow DC is affected by your strength modifier, by the highest level of "Stunning" on a weapon you're carrying, by fighter past lives, and by certain enhancements (fighter kensai PRE, fighter tactics line, warforged or dwarf tactics line).

    Quote Originally Posted by Oscillator View Post
    First post, but I'm having trouble finding the answers to these.
    Welcome to the forum!
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

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