Shards of POWAH!
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Feldir 18 Paladin / 2 Monk, Feldor 20 Bugged, Feldur 12 Monk / 6 Fighter / 2 Paladin (main), Feldyr 20 FvS, Silverbeard 20 PM, Strontium 20 Fire Savant
To Hit Armor Class Zero - Ghallanda
I doubt there is a distinction between those and the much more common Great and Supreme shards.
Limiting Trinket crafting to shroud-running characters or store purchasers is not a great solution, though.
Assuming that I'm right. Don't have access to the game to test currently.
Nevermind... that's kind of cruel. But better than nothing.
It has been added to the general treasure table so it will begin appearing in game. It will also appear in some specific places (I think Three Barrel Cove and a few others that I can't recall). There is already one craftable trinket that appears in the game as it is.
The reason it was put in the store was for convenience. If the description says its a store-only item, that is an error.
You probably wouldn't want to decon paralyzers, since they're actually valuable, unless they're high ML with trash effects. The way things are set up, you get decon mats by school, so it makes much more sense to decon for whatever skill is in the same school.
Feldir 18 Paladin / 2 Monk, Feldor 20 Bugged, Feldur 12 Monk / 6 Fighter / 2 Paladin (main), Feldyr 20 FvS, Silverbeard 20 PM, Strontium 20 Fire Savant
To Hit Armor Class Zero - Ghallanda
The trinket of swiming +11?
New member of Reinos olvidados.... arrived from Khyber to Thelanis......
At this stage in the games existence, I wouldn't be shocked. I think a ton of people are at the point where they wouldn't mind paying for convenience and make some assumptions on how things are going to play out concerning crafting. To do so though asks for the system to bite them in the backside.
Providing any feedback, intelligently, is always accepted by developers. I work with them day in and day out and know from experience that if you aren't rude, you can get a lot of what you want done without a fuss.
So when I see a thread like this, I try to get involved. Sometimes hard when there is a ton of heat from people who are rage-responding.
When it comes down to it, money talks, features walk. I am not trying to say this in a rude way, just a realistic way. They need to make money in order to get their wages, vest interest from corperate doners, and put more content into the product to keep the cycle going. Since DDO has an item mall option to their income column, they need to bolster it with items to generate revenue from. Instead of handing premade GS items (like some mmo's do; their equivelent of at least), they offer some of the stuff needed to make them. Not everything, but some. This is because the rate at which people buy them does not merit demand to increase the items on the store.
The amount they offer for smalls is not anything more than you can earn on your way to get your first tier 3 completed. This suggests some data mining into the server datalogs on the frequency people pulled those items. I believe, for anything else, the same would be applicable. Leave the drop out of the store, mine results from X amount of existence as a pull, crunch some values, subtract a few off the results, compile interest in the item versus dollar values (maybe using the monthly fee as a base, breaking it into average play hours, then dividing it down into play minutes, then get a per minute, per dollar figure), then put it on the store. By then, it has been 3 or 4 months since the content hit the chests, so interest should be coming close to a high. Now that some people know the grind for the gear, their interest for an easy way to obtain peaks just when it appears on the store; 5 for 25tp.
As for larges? It is a pretty rare drop. If you were to mine the results of some pulls, you would find that you can get 1 LDS per 2 complete runs of shroud (normal) on average.
You can debate that all you want, but I am taking a large collective of information and running averages on it (personal soruces).
Given the rarity, I would think 75tp per LDS would be the 'sweet spot' It would ruin a platsink in game for sure, but its tp cost is enough to warrent trying in game rather than easy buttoning them into your inventory all the time.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Lovely its not a store only! That made me happy (even if i have to admit i just buy it if i want it cause im lazy, as i do xp pots and mana pots).
Shard of power does become craftable after you use dust of disjunction on it.
(Standard): Item Deconstruction success with Equipment Disjunction! Consumed: Dust of Disjunction. Created: Shard of Power. Shard of Power becomes Shard of Power.