Quote Originally Posted by Ziindarax View Post
I would ask you to consider this from the perspective of a newbie - I know vets like you or me could easily afford 1,000 deconstructions, but what about the newbie who is on his first character (presumably 28-point build)? The newbie is not going to get one thousand weapons of a consistent crafting school from end-rewards and chest-loot through-out the life of their character, much less from buying things from the auction house.
Maybe it isn't intended to be for newbies? I assumed that it could/should be helpful for them, but it's not given. IMHO, it would be nice to see a system which allows new people to craft gear which is considered to be basic and necessary by many, rather then include an "easy button" for the geared-out people out there. Ideally it would allow both easy crafting basic equipment and more time-consuming for powerful equipment for vets. Dunno what the developers' idea behind it was...
