Trying to find a good replacement for bacon. I have yet to find anything that surpases its cruncy, salty bacony goodness. Does anyone have any ideas?
Trying to find a good replacement for bacon. I have yet to find anything that surpases its cruncy, salty bacony goodness. Does anyone have any ideas?
Why are you trying to replace bacon? Trying to keep kosher or halal? Health reasons?
Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, ColichemardeOriginally Posted by Gunga
Also, asking out of sheer boredom.
Subway says it's the new bacon.
True. You can now get a meatball sub with pepperoni in it. Haven't tried it myself, but it is a very interesting idea. Will def have to give it a go, next time I go.
Lettuce smotherhed in baconaze, should have that bacony salty tang with the crunchy goodness of Lettuce.
I have a hard time believing baconaze has ever seen bacon in its life.
Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun
I'll be damned, there is indeed bacon flavored mayo.
Yuck. Bacon flavored soy strips? I would rather eat turkey bacon. At least turkey bacon is made from meat. Yes, I am a member of PETA, people eating tasty animals.
Turkey bacon is good - my dad worked for a while in Saudi Arabia & it was the main one they had out there, taste is very similar & its actually healthier too.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
If just want to switch from one tasty meat to another try dried meats.
Bet there's plenty of variety in both in the U.S. and México.
e.g. Beef Jerky or shredded beef (a.k.a. Machaca)
See and get it from AZ.
I do love me some proccessed meat product. Beef jerkey is indeed awesomesauce.
Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun
The pig, none, he is a pig after all, he won't care what he gets it on with. The turkey on the other hand, at least $50 worth of mixed drinks and maybe a few shots of tequila.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.