You forgot one extremely important PVP rule. When you are defeated in PVP more than a few times in a row, even if you initiate each fight you must send a tell to the person who beat you and say -
"You are nothing without your {select from following list}"
ioun stone, tr missiles, capering, kukando, pws, dance, manyshot, slayer arrows, trip, stun, mouse, keyboard
You also forgot their skill. You must also blame your death on your lack of same things and bringing up that you are a noob is a plus too.
Tells? pffft.
This conversation gets hashed out in general chat so everyone in the harbor general channel can share in its magnificient splendor. Insults abound about how the victor is abviously a fat balding 40 year old who lives in their mothers basement and has never seen a woman naked in the same room surely must follow!!!
Every time I roll up a new toon I am reminded of why I turned the zone wide chat channels off on all my previous toons, heh.
The first rule of PvP: Do not talk about PvP. Especially not in Harbor General Chat, because it's annoying.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
After careful thought, I propose immediate destruction of anyone who emotes within the brawl pit of the lobster. How am I supposed to read general chat if they won't stop laughing?
i peed a little when i read this thread, HOWEVER u forgot the tod fight. Meditate to 50 ki jumo into a brawl hit touch of death on a non suspecting non dwed player jump out of the fight. Rinse repeat +1 if u tod the same n00blette 5x.
Kixie,cixie,assassyn,synfully,jacktherippa,livingd eath of sarlona
Although this is a classic, I omitted it because its popularity has declined somewhat with the neg-energy transformation of touch of death. Back in the heyday, and to a limited degree still, it was/is not unremarkable to see a halfling hop into the pit, sprint up to a warforged, and pop them dead with a single strike to the "lug nuts*."
This reminds me how I used to PvP with a mate of mine just after we started playing the game. It was a barrel of laughs until some guy thought we were serious (or he was).
I'll have to have another go when I can get my hands on an eternal wand! Or a monkey!!
All of Company of the Black Dragon and all of Warriors of the Wild
Some of the Vagabond Horde and some of the SrTG
All on Khyber