I like the layout and concept behind crafting. My only issue with it is if I deconstruct a holy longsword why wouldnt it give me the essencess for the holy part that I wanted instead of some random essencess for divine crafting. It just makes sense that whatever weapon your deconstructing for a certian type of ability why not let that ability still be there just in the a bunch of different type of essencess that make up that ability.

Im not sure if I am making sense or not but the way its setup now just seems overly random and not so much stupid but rather just blatantly more of a grind than anything else.

I understand that you want crafting to be a time sink and keep people in the game grinding away at their crafting lvls but It doesnt make sense to give them random essencess of a certian school but rather give them all the essencess of holy when they deconstruct a holy weapon.