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  1. #1
    Founder LordDamax's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Anyone notice any frequency of getting the more rare crafting mats?

    I forget the names of them, but on ocassion you'll get the standard mats (evil sludge) and every now and then you'll get some of the more rare mats in there too when you deconstruct something.

    I was starting to track my deconstruction rate od return but only got through a few items before I got tired and went to bed.

    Has anyone tracked this at all? I'll post my results once I deconstruct a lot more. It seems level dependant (level of the effect) has an effect, but it's still random.

    For example, level 2 deconstructs gave me none of the more rare parts.
    Level 3 gave me 1, and 2, on the 2 deconstructs I did.
    Level 4 gave me none, 2, then none.
    Level 5? none, 4, 4, then none.
    Level 6? none, none, none, then 1. Odd.
    Level 8 (a vorpal) gave me no rares.

    Seems very random.

    Anyone else have any insights?
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  2. #2
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    I've noticed absolutely no pattern whatsoever. =)

  3. #3
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by LordDamax View Post
    I forget the names of them, but on ocassion you'll get the standard mats (evil sludge) and every now and then you'll get some of the more rare mats in there too when you deconstruct something.

    I was starting to track my deconstruction rate od return but only got through a few items before I got tired and went to bed.

    Has anyone tracked this at all? I'll post my results once I deconstruct a lot more. It seems level dependant (level of the effect) has an effect, but it's still random.

    For example, level 2 deconstructs gave me none of the more rare parts.
    Level 3 gave me 1, and 2, on the 2 deconstructs I did.
    Level 4 gave me none, 2, then none.
    Level 5? none, 4, 4, then none.
    Level 6? none, none, none, then 1. Odd.
    Level 8 (a vorpal) gave me no rares.

    Seems very random.

    Anyone else have any insights?
    I've noticed the more powerful a prefix or suffix is: the more items you get.
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by LordDamax View Post
    I forget the names of them, but on ocassion you'll get the standard mats (evil sludge) and every now and then you'll get some of the more rare mats in there too when you deconstruct something.

    I was starting to track my deconstruction rate od return but only got through a few items before I got tired and went to bed.

    Has anyone tracked this at all? I'll post my results once I deconstruct a lot more. It seems level dependant (level of the effect) has an effect, but it's still random.

    For example, level 2 deconstructs gave me none of the more rare parts.
    Level 3 gave me 1, and 2, on the 2 deconstructs I did.
    Level 4 gave me none, 2, then none.
    Level 5? none, 4, 4, then none.
    Level 6? none, none, none, then 1. Odd.
    Level 8 (a vorpal) gave me no rares.

    Seems very random.

    Anyone else have any insights?
    just from a handful decrafting it is probably impossible to judge the percentage. I guess it may be somewhere around 20% if you get a rare and the amount then is an other chance depending on the level of the item. That mean you can fall in the 20% chance, but the calculated amount of rare ingredient will net to 0 as the level of the item is low. Or you can fall outside of the 20% so the amount of rare ingredient isn't calculated at all. Which explain why you got nothing for your vorpal even if it is higher level.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I stopped tracking since I there wasn't interest in posting data but based on what I did have, 20% seems to be in the ballpark I would say.

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