just tr'ed the wizard.
on the upside , yes , definitively tr'ing doesn't wipe exp, level, anything relating to crafting skill progress. that settles the assumption that it seems noone on the player side actually tested( naughty us trusting a release note item).
on the downside, still waiting for thoon for teh exp to get back to 20(and pick up some new spells while leveling so i can actually work with em a bit. as a result i found the acid chest in heyton's rest flooded, founf that by the time i could drain 50 charges from any eternal wand another fully drained wand would be recharged again. also noted that even with a lack of proficiency in greataxe, at least so far into level 2 (inventory popout says i have a -4 tohit hah) the greataxe is both simpler and faster then direct spellcasting. its approximately as fast as the eternal wands, and with the bane greataxe reward from the collaborator, even with a -4 tohit its still faster then the wands as well.
maybe if i took maximize and/or empower at character (re)creation that would change. of course then my sp pool would allow for about 4 shots at these levels.
congratulations, your marvelous plan failed. pure casting as a leveling method still blows by comparison to greataxing one's way(and especially if one master touches and greataxes which i did not as yet) and i do not expect this to change for a few levels- like until level 5 when i can toss on a full abishai set and carnifex until done with delera's thanks to the phasing mobs and poorer aoe dps, resorting to wands for ghostlies. ugh. nevermind, i think i'll skip that. and may whatever merciful gods may be show favor on the poor newbie souls who roll a caster without veteran status, an a non tr, with no twink gear.
go ahead and do it on lam. then you go ahead and respond which is faster and/or easier. bonus points for those brave enough to try it untwinked over here from level 1.
TLDR: spellchanges to make starting an arcane don't make it remotely competitive with greataxing, but other spell changes are probably going to make it even more painful through some additional levels, if not right up to gianthold.also someone screwed around with quest maps even as distant as korthos. and broke some bits.