I know a lot of monks were wondering if the DA wraps could be deconstructed -- as these wraps weren't technically random. I managed to get a set of byshek studded ones and proceeded to test what I could and couldn't do to them. Photo proof below:
I know a lot of monks were wondering if the DA wraps could be deconstructed -- as these wraps weren't technically random. I managed to get a set of byshek studded ones and proceeded to test what I could and couldn't do to them. Photo proof below:
Meh - even more reason level 20 characters need to ransack a level 6 or 12 quest.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Noobs don't succeed at Devil Assault at-level, and don't think to do it overlevel. The wraps are so rare that many veteran players don't even know that they exist.
I've only ever seen one set of the silver-threaded ones traded on Khyber. It was the worst of the possible ones (+3 Pure Good), and it sold for 700kPP on the Auction House in the time it took me to check all my alts for plat to see if I could buy them myself.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
So now silver thread handwraps are the new GEOB, plat wise?
Good to know, I just happen to have a set of silver threaded wraps on my monk.
Looks like i will be turning them into some serious beaters instead of the crud + 3 silver LEOBs they are at present.
Silver threaded wraps = extremely rare so, unfortunately for most monks will likely be outa reach, unless they want to spend a few hundred hours farming DA....
Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)
its a fun quest to solo for exp on well equiped TR's. beats farming it with 20s
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
I'm still unfamiliar with all the numerous permutations of the abbreviations in this game.
What does "DA" stand for in this context? I'm guessing you're not talking about Dungeon Alert Handwraps?
The ability to craft Axiomatic/Anarchic Burst metal handwraps of Bane will invalidate the previous design decision to make TOD Holy/Shocking Burst apply only to handwraps.
Back when TOD loot was first announced, the devs explained that there'd be rings with special handwrap-only damage bonuses as compensation for the lack of Greensteel handwraps. That logic only made sense until the arrival of handwraps that are as good as greensteel.
Yep. I had a blast running it 5 or 6 times solo on Hard on a level 12 fleshy archmage with moderate but not uber gear.
But after a few runs (once serious diminishing returns kicks in on the 'You beat wave #x' optional XP), the XP is just so bad it isn't funny.
These wraps need to be added to Elite and Epic. They are endgame gear, not mid-level gear, and so they should drop from endgame quests. Players don't have to farm Stormcleave for an Epic Sword of Shadow, they shouldn't have to farm hard Devil Assault to get the best wraps in the game.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I only have the patience to do it about 3x for exp. the lull between waves can be excruciating. atleast on epic you have party mates to BS with. on normal or hard, the extra difficulty added from companions is more often than not a liability.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]