Yep! Pulled a Bloodstone on my first ever Palumak kill! Bit of an accomplishment for this permanewb.![]()
Yep! Pulled a Bloodstone on my first ever Palumak kill! Bit of an accomplishment for this permanewb.![]()
Mathieugh - Human 4 Ranger / 1 Rogue
Tigerheart - Human 6 Bard
Tharilanis - Drow 4 Bard / 1 Sorcerer
Tyrilanis = Drow 10 Paladin
oh your first ever time looting that chest!
heh. Ironic you find one AFTER the pirate hats are released, eh?
BS value is a hell of a lot less now then it was before. So much easier to give up a hat slot for seeker than a trinket(IMO anyways)
(That Guy! build)
As I run out to that God forsaken mephit's chest once again, I curse your name!
yeah i pulled a pair of spectral gloves the first time i ever ran bargain of blood.
now that youve gotten a good pull out of the way, prepare yourself for pulling junk for the next month and a half. it just seems to be how DDO karma works.
I know u just got the names mixed up but 'FLAMEFLAMEFLAME' anyways
Its offering of blood
Hmm i guess this is true, although I've never had issues with 'low' hp toons. (I Guess someday I gotta try one) - But then imo a 'low hp' toon wouldn't be a melee toon, would he? Therefore what use is seeker to him/her?(Never played ranged so idk if seeker from bloodstone works with bows.)
(That Guy! build)
While I like Minos Legens and use it on many of my characters, heavy fort is incredibly easy to get on many items and for most even decently built characters 20 hp is not a make or break item.
So depending on the combo you put on your event helm, especially now that you can put the toughness from Minos on epic gear, I'd have to disagree with you that it is hard to replace.
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
the pre-20 game yes, I agree fully, minos on me noggin(or minII if ive made it)
And since I have this horrible habit of forgetting to switch to voice i leave it on all the time(sucks not having those nw trinkets on, the stoneskin proc one is epic from lv 4 to 12)
But after 20, hvy fort is easily placed on a number of slots(I got mine on my piwate ring) and trinket (At least for my rog) is best filled with the epic gem.(It gives +4 hit, +4 dmg, 30% striding, 4insight ac, and other stuff I can't remember due to set bonuses)
And really I'm just jealous of the OP
I think ive found one bloodstone in all the time i had demonsands, which is easily over a year now, and for the first 3 months i farmed that chest without fail every week to ransack on 2 toons, and never got it. I DID pull it on one of those 'oh look hes up' runs when headed to epic wizking. LOL
Am only poking fun at the OP and honestly am giving him grats.![]()
(That Guy! build)
I've been running the General lately, trying to get a Ring of SS. Gotta be at 50 runs by now. Yesterday I make it out there, open his chest, and pull....
Dynastic Falcata.
You have no idea how painful it is to pull crappy named loot out of desert rare chests.
No way! That's too cool. Congratulations.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I pulled mine just soloing some slayers to kill time.
I didn't find any use for the pirate stuff, so my bloodstone has kept its worth this whole time.
It would be very hard for me to change out any of my gear right now, and if you value set items, you'll probably feel the same thing.
Good score!
The first time I ever went to the Sands I pulled one.. I didn't know it was that useful so I sold it in the AH for like 100k plat. I still kick myself over that one as I have yet to pull another on any character and it's been about 1 year or so.
Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...
April Fools was a few days ago... You have been playing since 2006 and first time looting chest, wrong answer scoots.
Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.
I was running out there a lot for about 2-3 years (especially when we had the year long wait for new content) and I have pulled 1 ring of ss. one. Between my friend and I, we have pulled 4-5 sets of firestorm greeves, 15+bloodstones....but only two ss rings. So hopefully your luck is better than ours for that one. Back when the cap was 10-12 it was a really good item. Now a days though, with as many sp points as people isn't any where near as good.
Officer - Eternal Wrath
Burne Level 20 Human Paladin
i was not in the area when the guy was killed for my first bloodstone run... guildie runs in, kills stuff and asks if anybody interested in joining him on his runs. he holds off opening chest. i walk in and collect my bloodstone... and it has been sitting in the bank ever since
been running for the ring religiously with 3 toon every week but yet to get one![]()
Last edited by Thaxlsillyia; 04-04-2011 at 02:47 PM.