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  1. #1
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Ventrilo and Ingame chat compatability

    I'm having issues with Ventrilo and ingame hotkeys.

    Ingame: L-control.
    Ventrilo: L-alt

    The ventrilo key works perfectly, lights up vent with no apparent ingame issues.

    The ingame key, however, lights up both ventrilo and ingame at the same time. L-control has forever been my ingame hotkey, without issue, and others are using it as an ingame hotkey without encountering issues with ventrilo. I've reinstalled ventrilo, still a problem.

    Is there something else in the DDO settings that needs to be tweaked to stop this from happening?
    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

  2. #2
    Community Member Synnestar35791's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Thumbs up your fix

    set in-game push-to-talk to the Decimal(period) on the number pad side {next to the number pad ENTER key below the #3 digit},, bet this solves your compatibility issue

  3. #3
    Community Member whitepawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The problem there is that it's not easily used while both clicking (rt hand) and keying/moving (left hand). Fail can happen due to delayed communication.

    And, like I's not the key, others are using the same set-up that I am. It's something else in settings that isn't transparent at first glance.
    Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
    HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."

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