Or is that still unknown?
Or is that still unknown?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Crafting system on preview on lamannia is incomplete,
and currently does not use 'mystical' items it seems.
Current developments and guess-timates
Developer quote tracking on DDOWiki Classes: Psion Profile Races:Kalashtar Profile, Shifter Profile, Kobold Profile
Dried Fish?
Mystical Items?
Are these things something introduced in the new U9 quests?
Mystical Dried Fish: new quest end-reward in Sorrowdusk
Mystical Vessel: new quest end-reward in Restless Isles
Mystical Goblet: new quest end-reward in Ruins of Threnal
Mystical Bottle: new quest end-reward in Red Fens
Mystical Plant: new quest end-reward in Vale of Twilight
Mystical Urn: new quest end-reward in Orchard of the Macabre
In Sorrowdusk you only get quest end reward after comlpeting a chain, so this "dried fish" will be a bit of a stinker to grind. I don't have Ruins of Threnal pack, but believe same is true there.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Plant and bottle will be the easiest to get - I got my plant as end reward doing Rainbow and I assume all you need to do is into the deep in red fen.
I'd be guessing, but my money is on these being required items for the (not yet on Lamannia) crafting of unbound shards.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Threnal - Luckily you don't have to do the entire chain. You get a trash-loot end reward after completing East, and I believe West as well. You can also just choose to repeat West and South to get your chain-rewards rather than doing all nine again. Unless of course they broke it, or you make a mistake in the dialog.
Sorrowdusk - Probably easiest just to repeat the 4-quest Greymoon chain and pick up the end rewards rather than the 6-quest Co6 chain, especially since the Co6 chain-loot is vastly out of date outside a couple items.
Rest of them will be easy, even the Restless Isles one (zerg Ghola Fan for a Royal Guard Mask, get the crafting item as a bonus).