===WTT List [ I T E M ]
+1 Icy Burst Longbow Wounding and Puncturing[ML:8,Halfling]
For Large scale
Belt of Tongue [[Spell Resistance 19 , Enchatment SAVE +6]]
For Large Stone
+2 Wounding Longbow of Puncturing [ML:12]
For Large stone
+4 Holy Burst Cold Iron Khopesh
For Large stone
Helm of the Black Dragon
Helm of the White Dragon
Helm of the Blue Dragon 3helms for Large 1 Scale
===WTT List [ Scroll ]
Scroll of Flint for ---------------------------Large stone
Scroll of Hyena Claw for --------------------Large stone
Scroll of Thonlord for -----------------------Large 1 scale
Scroll of Dynastic Falcata for----------------Large 1 scale
Scroll of Whilwind for -----------------------Large 1 scale
Scroll of Ring of Baphomet for ---------------Large 1 scale
Scroll of Cloak of the Silver Concord for ------Large 1 scale
Scroll of Blood stone for ---------------------RED 1 Scale
Scroll of Jerky of Pouch for ------------------RED 3 Scales
Scroll of Helm of Forst for -------------------RED 4 sacles
Scroll Sword of Shadow for ------------------RED 5 Scales
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Kasiyas // kasiyaz // Naver // Kaziyas // Deformity
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