Is this a known issue or something that should be bug reported?
After a near party wipe last night in Madstone Crater, the only survivor was a hireling cleric with no SP. He picked up our soulstones, but then couldn't get us to a shrine because of the need to transit to a new area. We had one person release and then return, but still couldn't get the hireling to follow him to a shrine. Since there's no command to get the stones from the hireling, we dismissed him, assuming he'd drop all the stones on exit.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened. All the stones just went away, leaving the dead party members able to move about the quest freely, without the requirement to stay near their stone, but unable to be carried in a backpack.
Have others seen this? Does this just happen with a hireling, or would it also occur if a live party member released from a quest while carrying a soulstone?
Edit: grammar