Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

"Large Ingredients Bag"
[-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
4 Small Devil Scales
13 Small Lengths of Chain
[+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
[+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
Turn autogather on or off for each section.

Ta Da! Simple.