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  1. #1
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    Default Petition: Ingredient Bags and stuff

    With all the new crafting items, I think it would be a good time to add an area to ingredient bags to decide what you want to keep in that bag.

    What we have:
    Lammania GS ingredients
    Shroud GS ingredients Small
    Shroud GS ingredients Medium
    Shroud GS ingredients Large
    Epic Scrolls
    Epic Seals
    Epic Shards
    Reaver Eldritch Runes
    Reaver Tempest Runes
    Reaver Sovereign Runes
    NOW: Crafting Ingredients

    Keeping everything in a single bag is a pain. Even now on my wizard(TR1), I got an extra small and extra large ingredients bag from the twelve because of my TR and I'm thinking... How am I gonna keep all my ing. bags sorted?

    Let's get some Developer talk on this!

    Smaller Request: Please add an easier way to get a large collectables bag... I'm a collectables junkie. One-Fifty Planar Shards is quite a bit.
    Robi's Free to Play Guide
    I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroTakenaka View Post
    With all the new crafting items, I think it would be a good time to add an area to ingredient bags to decide what you want to keep in that bag.

    What we have:
    Lammania GS ingredients
    Shroud GS ingredients Small
    Shroud GS ingredients Medium
    Shroud GS ingredients Large
    Epic Scrolls
    Epic Seals
    Epic Shards
    Reaver Eldritch Runes
    Reaver Tempest Runes
    Reaver Sovereign Runes
    NOW: Crafting Ingredients

    Keeping everything in a single bag is a pain. Even now on my wizard(TR1), I got an extra small and extra large ingredients bag from the twelve because of my TR and I'm thinking... How am I gonna keep all my ing. bags sorted?

    Let's get some Developer talk on this!

    Smaller Request: Please add an easier way to get a large collectables bag... I'm a collectables junkie. One-Fifty Planar Shards is quite a bit.
    Personally I would love to see them take the system Lotro uses for vault space and port it over to the collectible/ingredient bags. If they would let us set up our own partitions like that I would love it!


    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
    I’m only nerfing you now so I can buff you later.

  3. #3
    Community Member Synnestar35791's Avatar
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    Default Character bank/INGREDIENTs

    A bank inside a bank,,,,
    A bag inside a bag,
    A Quiver to store Quivers,
    A storage container for storage containers......

    Just a thought......

  4. #4
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synnestar35791 View Post
    A bank inside a bank,,,,
    A bag inside a bag,
    A Quiver to store Quivers,
    A storage container for storage containers......

    Just a thought......
    Okay so you buy a bag to place a bag in a bag... GENIUS!

    Seriously though, I'm bumping this so more people can talk about it and sign it.
    Robi's Free to Play Guide
    I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.

  5. #5
    Community Member Synnestar35791's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroTakenaka View Post
    Okay so you buy a bag to place a bag in a bag... GENIUS!

    Seriously though, I'm bumping this so more people can talk about it and sign it.
    Ask yourself how data is organized on a Hard-drive, and my answer becomes appearent

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    relative simple solution would have in-bag sorting like the collectibles, that are grouped by place and subgrouped by NPC.

    it's as simple as recycling the code for the red bags and adding the correct tags to the various ingredients


    macro tag "the vale raws"
    sub tags: devastation (larges) subjugation(mediums), invasion (smalls),fecundity (blanks, signets)

    macro tag "the vale manufactured"
    sub tags: devastation( large essence/gem/focus), subjugation ( you get the drill)

    and so so on.
    It even have neat plus/minus signs to close/expand a tag

    just open any red bag you have and see the subgroups, reapply to green bag and suddenly gathering the ingredients you want for a blank/shard becomes way easier

    while at it, make the shards ingredients and not trinkets, so I'll stop being scared of rolling 1 on reflex saves and get that stuff exploded (conversely, forgetting I have already imbued a shard and it's sitting int he bank when I'm making another exactly-the-same-shard )
    Last edited by ciopo; 04-03-2011 at 04:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    How about bags of holding that hold many times the size of the bag?

    Bags inside bags was mentioned?

  8. #8
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    Also, aren't Bags of Holding in DnD supposed to stay the same weight, regardless of what's inside?

    All those 0.01 lbs really add up when you got tons of ingredients/collectables. One of my large collectables bag alone weights more than 100 lbs now.

    With all the new crafting ingredients and effect shards, combined with shroud/epic/event/etc ingredients, the weight will start to be a little problematic for some. Sure that barbarian with 80+ str won't notice it, but that low str monk who must absolutely stay in light load to be centered will.

    Considering the prices of the bags, you'd expect them to be magical and negate the weight. Or maybe the twelve are jerks and ripped us all off by selling a bunch of used burlap potato bags...
    Last edited by Ovrad; 04-04-2011 at 02:04 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ovrad View Post
    Also, aren't Bags of Holding in DnD supposed to stay the same weight, regardless of what's inside?

    All those 0.01 lbs really add up when you got tons of ingredients/collectables. One of my large collectables bag alone weights more than 100 lbs now.

    With all the new crafting ingredients and effect shards, combined with shroud/epic/event/etc ingredients, the weight will start to be a little problematic for some. Sure that barbarian with 80+ str won't notice it, but that low str monk who must absolutely stay in light load to be centered will.

    Considering the prices of the bags, you'd expect them to be magical and negate the weight. Or maybe the twelve are jerks and ripped us all off by selling a bunch of used burlap potato bags...
    ditto. kind of detracts from the usefulness of the huge bags storing hundreds of stacks. the other annoyance being they cannot hold more then one stack of 1000 of the same item. ran into this issue with blades of the dark six, funerary tokens, prayer beads, bronze tokens, and quite a few others. barring event items, i don't think there are enough collectible types to fill all the slots in a huge bag, and i've been trying on a bank toon.

  10. #10
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    As said about weight how bout low Str AM Wiz's. Also I love the idea of using the collectibles bag sorting system.

  11. #11
    Community Member articwarrior's Avatar
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    bag in a bag in a bag in a bag bag in a bag in a bag in a bag

    Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq

  12. #12
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.

  13. #13
    Community Member ZeroTakenaka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.
    You forgot to add Vale of Twilight Raws but I love this idea.
    Robi's Free to Play Guide
    I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.

  14. #14
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.
    I like it. +1

  15. #15
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.

    And as long as we are on the subject, component bags, potion six packs, wand quivers, and the like are still very needed.

  16. #16
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.

  17. #17
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    You can get a large ingredients bag by earning enough Twelve favor. Easy.

    Sorting them yea that would be nice.

    One last thought - can we PLEASE make it so that power shards are A) stackable and B) fit into an ingredients bag?

    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  18. #18
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.
    Have you ever wanted to create your own customized user interface skins for DDO?
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    There are already bags of holding in DDO. Its your 4th backpack slot.
    There are already portable holes in DDO. Its your 5th backpack slot.

    All we need is for existing bags to categorize the contents like this:

    "Large Ingredients Bag"
    [-] Greensteel, Small ([X] Autogather)
    4 Small Devil Scales
    13 Small Lengths of Chain
    [+] Greensteel, Medium ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Greensteel, Large ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Scrolls ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Seals ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Epic Shards ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Eldritch Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Tempest Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Sovereign Runes ([ ] Autogather)
    [+] Crafting Ingredients ([ ] Autogather)

    Click on [+] or [-] to expand/collapse each section.
    Turn autogather on or off for each section.

    Ta Da! Simple.
    I concur
    Quote Originally Posted by Perceval
    the common denominator in all the failed attempts you have been in is YOU.
    Member of the Unrepentant guild of gamers.

  20. #20
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    The new Crafter Bags in the Lam DDO Store are searchable, just like the other ingredient bags, they hold large amounts of ingredients and in stacks up to 10,000. That works for me. You'll only really need one of those big bags and you'll be fine.

    Making them like the collectible bags would work even better or in addition to that.

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