Im sorry if this comes out as antagonistic- it's not. Im just not very good in print. I am expressing an opinion about something and nothing more.
Veggie tales? This is DDO. Most of the poeple I know in DDO are 25+. The broccholi thing is something that one would find on a PBS station website. I realize the devs are trying to think up something new. Ok then, Hire a gamer to help you come up with stuff and refer to the DnD manuals for content ideas. But please dont ruin the game with kiddie programming. I dont wanna see uber gear in an area that I dont want to be a part of and then feel like I have to join in just to get the gear. It makes it a miserable grind. Either that, or make all the gear in DDO able to be sold. (outside of starter gear. That way the people who dont want to join in for whatever reason, still have access to the items.