So, I was thinking on the way to work today that some spell levels are still really overloaded with goodies, while others are a bit weaker. In particular, level 4is really troubling me. It has 3 of a Fire Savant's best 4 or 5 spells (Fire Shield, Burning Blood and Wall of Fire), 3 of an Earth Savant's best 4-6 spells (Acid Rain, Burning Blood and Stoneskin), a Pale Master's 2 core spells (Negative Energy Burst and Death Aura) the only AoE DoT cold spell (Ice Storm), the last actual force spell (Force Missiles), and several other very useful spells, at least a few of which are without parallel (Dimension Door, Fire Shield, Crushing Despair--probably the best AoE debuff we'll have to set-up other spells--and Enervation).
It's probably more crowded than any other spell level, and has the best AoE DoTs in 3 elements despite the presence of similar spells of higher level.
My suggestions:
- Reduce the improvement to Acid Rain and boost Acid Fog instead, which is a spell 2 levels higher, yet still seems to be quite a bit weaker.
- Move Burning Blood to level 5. That way Earth, Fire, Air and Water all have a single-target DoT at that level (Burning Blood, Eladar's Electric Surge and Niac's Biting Cold).
- Move Negative Energy Burst to level 5 to fill in some of the spell progression for a Pale Master.
- Add some sort of electric AoE DoT at level 4 to give the 4 main elements each an AoE DoT at that level.
- Start selling Dimension Door scrolls at vendors.