There is a difference between hard choices and excessive stacking of spells at a particular spell level. Level 4 was a hard choice before they went and buffed a bunch of spells and gave characters strong reasons to be picking some of these other ones. Moving the spells I suggested doesn't make level 4 spells not a hard choice, but brings the level of choice closer to that of your other spell levels.
Also, there isn't much choice involved for Pale Masters and some Savants who have multiple primary spells all shoved into level 4, with few spells spread elsewhere. PMs have no hard choice to make anywhere else, really, except level 6. Fire Savants have kind of a tough choice at level 7, but that's really it. Earth Savants don't really have a tough choice anywhere else, since Acid Fog didn't get buffed (unless it stacks with Acid Rain), but that isn't as difficult to work out. Meanwhile, Water and Air Savants don't really have any levels as crowded as 4 is for everyone else. Five is a little tough for them, but it has fewer good choices so it isn't too bad.
This changes level 4 from being the inexplicably most difficult spell level to make decisions on, to be slightly harder than most other levels, while making level 5 more difficult and closer to being in line with the other spell levels.
Currently, fire gets its best AoE DoT, it's only single target DoT and one of the best defensive spells in the game; earth gets it's best single target and AoE DoTs and one of the only two spells to benefit from the savant's increases caster level for earth spells; PMs get their two primary healing spells; water gets its only AoE DoT.
For everyone else, this would still be a tough level, choosing four or five of Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, Dimension Door, Acid Rain, Stoneskin, Ice Storm, Enervation, Solid Fog, Crushing Despair, and a few other lesser, but still useful spells.