Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
You do not have to use TP to craft. Its just that on Lammania TP are given out like candy so people can use their TP to purchase crafting materials and elixirs of crating experience. The reason people are doing this is that A) its quick and B) there isnt a whole lot of vendor trash weapons to be deconstructed on lammaland right now to use to get crafting ingredients the 'non-store' route.
However, when this system goes over to live there are two routes one can take:
1) Purchase crafting ingredients with TP (that you have to buy with your real money this time)
2) Empty the AH, vendors, chests etc of all vendor trash weapons to convert into crafting ingredients.
In my opinion, the long-term players with more plat than use for it are going to be engaging in a giant plat sink to raise up their crafting level rather than paying money to craft. Now, newer less well established players would either have to wait until they could do this naturally, or pop a credit card and take the 'easy way.'
I think it'll be an interesting to see if/how it changes the economy personally. A lot of junk that would have gone to vendors to create plat in the economy is now going to go to create crafting ingredients. So incoming plat should go down.
Strictly speaking, not true at all (unless you want to craft a trinket).
Since you get something like 2k TP per day on Lamannia, people are coughing up 2k TP to buy materials to craft. This levels them to somewhere in the 30s (there is at least one post claiming that getting to the 40s takes 20k TP). If really want to know the cost for just grinding, head on out to Sorrowdusk and see what drops.
Another issue is if medium crafting bags are going to be for sale at empty handed (and in House P), and if large ones will be available for planar shards. Since these appear to be BtA, crafting appears impossible without these bags.
If people spend money to win, expect more pay2win items in the store. If people plunk down considerably more than 2k TP (enough to get you to a descent level, but nowhere near high enough for the OP stuff in the whingefests), expect to have their whims catered to.
If you can convince people to buy a bigger epeen, you don't need to sell content ever again.
Your calculation is missing some parts:
+4 Enhancement Bonus need lvl 45 in Arcane and an other lvl 45 in Divine for the 'Evil Outsider Bane'. The 'Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane' would even be lvl 75. I read everybody talking about a GEOB, however there is no such shard right now and it will have a crafting level beyond 75!
For a 50% success rate on lvl 45 you need at least lvl 35 and you not reach this just from looking at the crafting machine (everything with 20 lvl difference has 0% success chance). Further if you succeed in craft one shard more then 10-20 times you not get any XP for crafting this particular shard anymore as you will craft that particular one with 100%. That in other words mean you need to craft multiple different shards to reach a certain level. The higher you get in the level the more expensive it come and the more different shards you need to craft to reach more XP in one school. And the '+4 Enhancement' is only from the Arcane school, so the Xp in that school will help you nothing on crafting Holy Shards.
So you should calculate all the other Shards you need to craft that one in your equation to reach the level requirements to craft this. For doing this you will probably need to multiply your needed TP with 1000 or even more. Not to mention that TP costs on Lamannia usually lower then on the live server.
Last edited by SisAmethyst; 04-03-2011 at 03:10 PM.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Ah, thank you very much for the clarification. I am now happy again.
Just generally:
If you rely entirely on de-constructed and looted reagents, it will take you a long time to get to any decent
experience level.
After plunking down ~8k 'pseudo' TPs on Lammania, I'm sitting at around L38 Arcane, L35 Divine. Still not high
enough to craft reliably the items that are being complained about. It will be a significant investment in time/plat
and/or real $$ - it's a real plat sink for those who wanted one.
The higher level recipes have huge raw ingredient requirements - so much so that I think the current deconstruction
amounts are way too low. This is, I think, where the store is slightly disingenuous. I'm all for having the store provide
shortcuts if you want to spend $$ (time is money right?) - as long as the $$ is not wasted on replacing the carpool
with Ferraris and providing a monkey in every office, it's good for the game and its players in the longer run. The
balance seems wrong at the moment - getting the required items in the game is way, way too grindy.
New member of Reinos olvidados.... arrived from Khyber to Thelanis......