as topic says, it either is or isn't there.
if we take out the event items, since they are not available to everyone, all the time. (they are not, honestly)

we are left with.... some vorpal weapons some banes and greater banes and maybe one or two sticks until you manage to run shroud odd 20 times.

possible short term fix, increase maximum bonus items can have from +5 to +10 for weapons at least. (armor is debatable)
is it overpowered? not really, i'd say. melee's hit things anyway, +5 or +10
is min level messed up? +10 plain item is.. lets see, ML 18?
is the damage boosted too much? i doubt it. +7 (ML 12) has.. well.. smaller damage/hit than +5 burst weapon. (ML12 also)

why am i asking this?
I play fighter (and thus, it's for my own benefit, really, i'm selfish)
I like seeing numbers, numbers that do NOT stop growing as i level up.
Unlike old time veterans, i have no easy access to GS upgrades. (GS, which is totally unbalanced, anyway you look at it)

or.. are only steps to increase the damage after level 10, besides the rare one or two drops (+5 holy, +5 holy burst, +5 burst this or that... WHICH are not sold, btw, so no access to them that way) greater weapon focus and superior? in addition to kensai stuff?