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  1. #61
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    It has always been the prefix, so you mostly use them as boss beaters.
    They did not invented a new metal type, they invented a magical weapon property.

    The magic transmutes the weapon, it was first labelled transmuting, then changed to metalline to avoid confusion but it can't be helped, the thing is inherently confusing.

    You can't talk of realism in fantasy by itself except by the crafting rules.
    In DDO the crafting rules are metal, prefix, suffix, enhancement bonus, minimum level, total modifier, etc.
    In PnP there's stuff you can add at a cost like the metal or magic you can add at the modifier cost.

    From these one can tell if something is not appropiate compared to the existing stuff.
    In D&D theres a large amount of special metal types beyond what we have in DDO, all of them are tipically simple, just one kind of advantage to your weapon.
    It is usually a small bonus, e.g. the greensteel from baator (not shavarath) was only +1 but being non-magical it couldn't be dispelled, disjoined or affected by antimagic.
    Conversely there's a lot more magic weapon properties and being actual magic they have more power to do things like returning, dancing or transmuting, etc.

    If you or anyone is interested, here is a thread I made like 2 years ago with all the possible item materials in D&D. It would be great if Turbine was to start pulling materials from this to add into the game on random loot. Give us something different than the normal materials like silver, mithral, densewood, cold iron, etc to pick from.
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  2. #62
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Yes, the damage would go away. But so would the magical modifiers that had you wearing it to be damaged in the first place.

    May as well start over with some trash item. A +1 wounding scimitar of tendon slice %2 becomes the exact same blank as a +5 holy burst scimitar of greater dragon bane.
    I agree, but there is one set of armor I like the look of (assuming we will be able to craft armor) and is low level enough to not care about what's on it and I wanted to fix it and use it as a blank, but the jury still seems out on that (see post by Girlbrush above) so I'll wait for more info.
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  3. #63
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Hmm, you'd think that damage would be erased, since it is essentially creating a new item, similar to how when you epicize something, any previous damage will be removed.

    It really SHOULD be removed, since all you are keeping is base item type and appearance. No reason to penalize people for that.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  4. #64
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    1) Thanks for posting this, as someone with no time for Llama, this is a big help.

    2) Are you ****ing kidding me? We now have to start collecting collectibles too? As if there wasn't enough random useless-by-itself items to worry about - ***

    3) Are crafted items bound or tradeable/sellable?
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  5. #65
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khurse View Post
    Yes. I haven't spent a ton of time researching this, but it seems stuff like pure good/holy/righteous all give varying amounts of "good beams" (I think holy gives the most) I don't think it matters if it's +1 holy or +5 holy. (I assume holyburst gives more)
    For example, if You had a +5 Holy Silver khopesh of pure good. You could do ONE of
    A) Strip it for a craftable silver khopesh.
    B) Strip it for it's +5 enhancement.
    C) Strip the holy for "goodbeams"
    D) Strip the pure good for "goodbeams"

    From what I've seen, Holy gives more "goodbeams" than "pure good" so you'd choose to strip the prefix.
    Keeping in mind,whatever option you choose, that's ALL you get.
    Yah but in actuality you wouldn't use such a good weapon to deconstruct.

    More like a +1 Silver Khopesh of tendon slice for a Blank Weapon

  6. #66
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    2) Are you ****ing kidding me? We now have to start collecting collectibles too?
    I've been collecting collectibles for several years now.

    Foresight FTW. Also reading dev quotes where they have repeatedly indicated that they were going to give collectibles a larger role.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  7. #67
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    I've been collecting collectibles for several years now.

    Foresight FTW. Also reading dev quotes where they have repeatedly indicated that they were going to give collectibles a larger role.
    That is missing the point. The point is that having piles of bags and an excel spreadsheet to keep track of inventory is not fun. And see this thread (, neither is keeping everything in one convenient spot like a shared bank.

    Lose lose and more lose.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  8. #68
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaldais View Post
    Item material type is kept after making the item 'Blank'.

    I made a 'blank' craftable Mithral Breastplate, and a 'blank' craftable silver longsword so far.

    Altho, +5 enchantment shard crafting requires 75 rank in Arcane Crafting......

    +1 and +2 Mithrl is about to get pricy!
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  9. #69
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    That is missing the point. The point is that having piles of bags and an excel spreadsheet to keep track of inventory is not fun.
    One huge bag holds every collectable in the game (with tons of room to spare, and including temporary collectables like risia coins, festivult coins, mabar undead widgets), and now they come with a search bar to skip straight to what you want. I also have the items ordered in the bag by turn-in count (3-2-1).

    Don't want to buy a huge bag? One large bag (pretty easily obtained via the Subterrane) will hold all the important ones. You could even get a second one to carry the other stuff.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  10. #70
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    One huge bag holds every collectable in the game (with tons of room to spare, and including temporary collectables like risia coins, festivult coins, mabar undead widgets), and now they come with a search bar to skip straight to what you want. I also have the items ordered in the bag by turn-in count (3-2-1).

    Don't want to buy a huge bag? One large bag (pretty easily obtained via the Subterrane) will hold all the important ones. You could even get a second one to carry the other stuff.
    Please follow the link. Using 1 large bag is not an option.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  11. #71
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Please follow the link. Using 1 large bag is not an option.
    Off topic but as said before yes two large bags (via subterranean shards) is easy to get and holds everything I have ever picked up in two years playing. (Festival junk included)

    The link you supplied is unfortunate but I have never seen anyone encounter that before. Perhaps he accidentally destroyed the bag (you can drop them and destroy them you know). We don't know. Sucks for him but it's far from something we should loose sleep over. It just doesn't happen to the million other players in the game.
    Last edited by Syllph; 04-06-2011 at 10:43 AM.

  12. #72
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    Off topic but as said before yes two large bags (via subterranean shards) is easy to get and holds everything I have ever picked up in two years playing. (Festival junk included)

    The link you supplied is unfortunate but I have never seen anyone encounter that before. Perhaps he accidentally destroyed the bag (you can drop them and destroy them you know). We don't know. Sucks for him but it's far from something we should loose sleep over. It just doesn't happen to the million other players in the game.
    There is more then just one report of this sort of thing going on. I've never lost a bag personally, but I have lost a stack of epic tokens when transfering them.
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  13. #73
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    There is more then just one report of this sort of thing going on. I've never lost a bag personally, but I have lost a stack of epic tokens when transfering them.
    Yeah about once a month we see one on the forums; who knows what that translates into for people that don't come to the forums.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  14. #74
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    The problem with missing bags from the shared bank can be alleviated, though not fully safe, by making an habit of checking for 'bank lag' by moving a small or junk item first before moving any valuables.
    While not ideal it's better than ocasionally feeding the lag monster, i have only lost a small quiver in this way.

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