How it basically seems to work. Most of this (I believe) has been covered before. and will likely soon be covered in far greater depth.I know a number of people wanted the very basics of how this works though so..
You can buy 4 items form the crafting vendor. These allow you to
- strip the + from an item
- strip the prefix from an item
- strip the suffix from an item
In all cases the item is destroyed.
The 4th allows you to prepare an item for crafting. This changes your item into a plain version of the item.
This removes everything else from the item ,but allows you to craft on it.
So if you put in +5 Holyburst Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane and use the "prepare an item for crafting" cleanser, you get Handwraps. Plain + nothing wraps.
When you do strip anything (bane/holy etc) from an item, you do not get that thing as a craftable material.
What you get are crafting ingredients. (Greater evil outsider bane gives 32 "light" ingredients, stunning 10 gives 32 'water" ingredients,etc) (Evil outsider bane gives fewer, stunning 6 gives you 12 water ingredients iirc)
You then combine a certain number of ingredients,with various collectables (khyber/siberius shards, amber vials etc)
to produce a shard. You can then combine the shard with an item that you have prepared for crafting to give it an effect.