Midnight Greetings
Ring of Venom
Necklace of Venom
Sacred Band
Antique Greataxe (SOLD)
Frozen Plate
Illusionist Robe
Vulkoorim Robe
Phiarlan Spy Dagger
Golden Greaves
Weathered targe
Stinkpelts hide
Delving Goggles
Named Items:
Dampened Shatterbow (offer recieved)
Chaose Garde x3
Tome page IV (offer recieved)
Tharkuuls Bane
Reavers Ring
20 Tapestries
Full set of Boot ingred x2
Planar Gird (offer recieved)
Odd Random lootz:
ML:12 +1 Ghost touch of Disruption Longbow
ML:16 +3 Superior Potency VI Shortsword
ML:16 +3 Superior Potency VI Scimitar (with icy burst)
+7 Armored Bracers RR:WF (umd 20)
ML:12 +1 Vicious Handwraps of Stunning +10
ML:16 +4 Ghost touch Handwrpas of Stunning +10 (RR halfling~umd 26)
Things I am interested in:
Diabolist Docent scroll
Dustless boots scroll
Large ingred (scales, stones, shraps mostly)
PM me here or hit me up in game. Haggling encouraged