The real problem I found running in the sands more than anything wasn't BUILDING Ki up to/past 50, it was MAINTAINING KI in that range in wind more than anything. You'd think "Just build in fire then switch to wind" but the hit you take to con knocks concentration down 1pt, and it FEELS like it knocks your ki down 5 between the time you stance shift and start heading toward new targets (even done while in motion). So what I found was, because I'd be loosing effectively if I fought in wind it just wasn't effective to fight in wind. Ideally you should have strikes available with "retained Ki" and any excess be icing on the cake. That would make it more "viable and fun" to play. Also I found my DPS seemed actually a bit higher even in basic fire stance, maybe because I didn't completely dump stat strength in the build (14str, 16dex, levelups in dex, 16 wis, 14 con) I suppose a more balanced build, or one with better gear wouldn't have the problems I was running into, but with balance comes decreased to hit in epic, and on any dex build that is gonna be fatal.
Best suggestion I can think of, honestly, since we are lowering the higher teir elemental strikes, lower the special strikes a bit too. I'm not talking stunning fist, there is no reason to have monks perma-stunning the battle field, I'm talking stuff like Kukando, TOD, things like that. TOD at 50ki is just too hard to build up reasonably. Remember you can build up to your ki to the balance point with little problem in any stance (probably even without crane at 1ki per strike). The problem is when you go above the balance point you start loosing 1ki every few seconds (so your basically gaining 3 loosing 1 gaining 3 loosing 1, gaining 3 loosing 2, gaining 3 loosing 2, gaining 3 loosing 4) at least from my observations (that would equate to 1ki per second up till maybe 10 beyond your balance point and then after that 1/2ki per second up to 20, which would explain why I was balancing at 50 with a resting ki of ABOUT 30. The solution, honestly, reduce touch of death's ki requirements. 25Ki would be enough to fire off a stun, 1 tod, light monks who honestly have a LOT more attacks have it much rougher on this though because the entire purpose of having 3 stuns is to be able to stun 3 times. They will be reduced instead to having "3 ways to stun" which is just kinda... well pointless.
I'd say special abilities (outside of stunning fist) need a major price reduction, maybe even down to the cost of stunning fist, after all remember quests have "Down points" where we are waiting for a rogue to undo traps, getting from point A to B, or playing Super DDO Brothers jumping from place to place, during that point in time we are generating Zero Ki, so Ki banking is something that is fine in some quests but in MOST quests is much harder to do. The altrenative would be to raise the base ki stored when not in combat by maybe 50%. All things being equal if I can bank 30 at level 11, that would mean a level 20 can bank ROUGHLY 60, which means they can store one TOD and 2 elemental strikes, that honestly is akin to giving paladins 1 smite per minute and that's it.
Another alternative would be to simply change the rate of Ki degeneration to about half what it is (allowing better build up and storage) it would still drop down but it'd be a manageable resource.
At this phase of DDO, I'm glad I got a fairly high level wizard. I do feel kinda ripped off with VIP at this point though, I mean look I'm getting a class to play for free that is basically.... well basically useless in comparison to any free class. Before monks had the POTENTIAL to be as good a DD as the barbarian, OR (but not and) as good a crowed control as the tactics based fighter. Now they are looking more and more like just a utility belt splash that you take for evasion and high wisdom armor class bonuses. Again, they can solve alot of this, but honestly they gotta balance it against fire stance. I honestly think the stances are a fair bit of a terrible idea. They should make Ki gen standard as it is in fire stance and just give a 1d3 elemental bonus of type to each stance (increasing to 1d4, 1d6, and 1d8 at grand master) it would make more sense and offer MORE reason to use monk stances beyond just the build.