Pigeon hold will only happen IF players decide they wish to keep the whilly nilly style of spaming Ki attacks.
Is this DDO or Street Fighter? (rhetorical question) The real question for any MMO. "Is it fun." which the counter becomes "Is it over powered?"
All of this easy Ki generation. Personally I do think it was a bit much. However, by that same turn about I do think the to be dramatic drop in ablity to generate Ki is going to stink more than is really warranted.
The only suggestion I've seen so far I've liked is changing the capstone from regeneration to being +1 Ki per hit.We know that Kensai adds Ki, but that doesn't really help lower levels much.
I'm not a fan of changing Ki costs, but here are two more completely random ideas.
1a. Add Ki generating items to the loot tables that isn't high level raid loot.
1b. Add Ki generating property to the crafting tables.
2. New Enhancement for Ki generation.
No, I'm not talking spend AP to gain Ki on any hit. I consider Ki generation to really be related to being balanced. For the cost of 1 AP for each level (max of 3), you increase Ki threat generation. Normally, Ki is generated on any critical. Rather than increasing threat range of the critical, increase Ki threat generation range.
Assuming no IC:Blunt, and lvl 1 of this enhancement, you would generate Ki on any confirmed hit of 19-20. If you had IC:Blunt it would then be generated on rolls of 18-20 as if you had critically hit even though 19 (18 in the latter) are not critical hit.
Give it one per the "stance". So if you had all 4 master stances You could have an increased Ki threat generation of +3, All 4 grand masters, +4, such that with IC:Blunt you could generate Ki on any confermined hit of 15-20.
Now yeah, that would be really expensive given the cost of stats and grandmaster status. But as stated, random idea.