Over the last few days, this has been happening to me.
When my character does something that requires a loading screen (ie Zoning into an area, logging on and entering a quest) some times the screen stays at the loading screen, the bar does not fill, I can use voice chat and talk to my party, then after about 90 seconds the server DCs me.
For example last night, I tried to zone into Red Fens with my group to run an Epic. The whole party got into Red Fens, but the above happen to me trying to get in. I restarted the game, tried to log into the same character, and it got stuck at the loading screen. I restarted the game, logged into a Different character fine, then switched back to the first character and loaded in House K fine. Walked into the bar, and zoned in fine, then got stuck again going into Red Fens. Restarted my computer same issue, so we went to do BoB. Zoned into the Market place, Searing Hights and the quest perfectly fine.
I've had this same issue entering The Church and The Cult, logging in to characters randomly. Seems to be limited to one character or one instance at a time.
Was there a change recently that might have done this? Thoughts? Its a real pain!