I'd like to know the reasoning behind this, if a dev cares to comment.
I'd like to know the reasoning behind this, if a dev cares to comment.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
I am not a dev, but I believe their idea was to restructure SP costs based on the power of the spell vs its cost.
Spells with more power had their costs increased or not changed at all.
Spells with lower power, ones that people rarely used or ones that the dev's felt that their power was not equivalent to the base cost of 5+(5*spell level) had their costs decreased.
No logic or formula for the spells themselves (where as previous costs were 5+(5*spell level) SP per cst, just someones opinion on what should have been increased or decreased.
Guess the dev's thought heal was too powerfull for its spell cost![]()
Cuz the whole not dying thing is not profitable.
More sp on heal = less heals = more dying = more ddo store puchases!
Easy logic.
I think it goes like this.
When we single-target heal, we never use anything but the heal spell once we have it. not only does it heal for more, but its cheaper because it isnt boosted by maximize or empower and so its cheaper than cure serious or cure critical wounds in addition to being better in every way.
The cost change has changed it so that those two spells might be valuable (single target) for single target healing, especially when healing amp is involved, and actually cheaper wayso fgetting the job done.
The present heal generally overheals by 50% while still being 20% cheaper than the alternatives.
Because it's the crutch that too many healers lean on constantly.
How many times has someone died, because the heal spell was on cooldown and for some reason they didn't know they had any other healing spells.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
You're supposed to heal people, of course. On the other hand, barbarians have one rage: rage!
You have 13 spells that heal people. Is it unreasonable to think that it might be a good idea for them to make it strategically wise to use more than 4 or so of them (heal, heal mass, mass cure serious, mass cure crit)?
That is just silly really.
Heal is the highest level single target healing spell in the game. It should be the best choice for single target healing. Healing magic is one of the few places that the spell level system actually worked well.
Higher level spells should be >> lower level spells that are meant to do the same thing.
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I'd suggest that many of the spells are useful to different builds at different times. This isn't just a DDO thing, it's a PNP thing.
I rarely see Rangers and Paladins casting Heal, for instance.
The only spell I really don't see being used is Close Wounds, and that's one that had (has) at least an interesting mechanic in PNP (it's an immediate casting time). I'd actually like to see DDO make it uninterruptible (like it was cast with Quicken), but that may be too much to ask.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Scrolls=0 spno seriously not a dev but I have to agree it's too SP efficient in comparison too your other options.... though it is a higher lv spell soo.... isn't it supposed too be better?
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It was quicker, cheaper and better than the other cure spells for similar SP. Add in the fact that most healer/casters have some form of metamagic on 90% or more of the time, and it is MUCH cheaper than the other similar cure type spells. So because we used it so mauch, it became a "premium"spell for that level. All the big spells like that got SP adjusted in some way for all the classes except the buff type spells.
As to the reasoning behind the Dev's thinking, trying to determine that is like trying to cure the common cold. There may be some nice attempts or advances even, but everyone will still end up with druel and snot on their faces.
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I would quote Dr. House as the reason to why the spell change costs... but I'd just probably get banned. However his reasoning works perfectly fine for me.