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  1. #1
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Default Question about ranged combat

    I have read in many places that ranged combat in DDO is 'broken'. I am wondering if this is something the Devs have said or if this is just the well informed opinion of experienced players? Also, is it broken solely because of the low attack rate, or is there another reason?

  2. #2
    Community Member SaneDitto's Avatar
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    Low attack rate and middling-to-okay damage, unless you Manyshot. It's okay; if sustainable ranged combat was on par with melee in DPS, melees would be the new "broken".

    That said, ranged combat does have its uses. Like a skill, you just have to know when and how to use it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen (Pokémon G/S/C)
    Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites.

  3. #3
    Community Member Sytyxx's Avatar
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    The problem is the hit/seacond. The meeles hit TWF 5-6 times, THF 3-4 times, when you shoot 1 arrow only. If u use the manyshoot you just go to egal the meeles. I think the biggest problem is the business. The most of player dont like to play ranged combat and the Devs see the biggest pruchasing power.

  4. #4
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    OK but this does not answer my first question: is ranged combat WAI?

  5. #5
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
    OK but this does not answer my first question: is ranged combat WAI?
    As far as the devs are concerned and except for a few minor bugs, yes. There is going to be an update addressing some ranged issues and improvments some time this year most likely.
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    do chél dénmha

  6. #6
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
    OK but this does not answer my first question: is ranged combat WAI?
    I doubt most things in DDO are Working As Intended, but as far as Turbine is concerned, everything is Working As Implemented; There are no bugs, only features.

    Oh, nevermind me, cynicism is a bad thing when it's up and running from early morning.

  7. #7
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    ok thanks

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    It's not so much that it is broken as that it is inefficient to to invest much into a build that is only situationally useful. Better to build to be good most of the time and situationally functional, than functional most of the time and situationally good.

  9. #9
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Styx probably got some numbers overestimated, but it is true that ranged is at least 50% slower than 2HF.
    That mean:
    - Ranged uses to hit and to Dmg to diffrent stat mods - first one why it is weaker
    - DMG bonusses from stat scales a lot weaker due to slower attack rate. While +12 str moddifier it is +24 DPS for SINGLE handed weapon (36 DPS for 2 handed due to 1,5 str mod to dmg). for Bow it gona be only +12 dsp.
    - Ranged have more feats requirements than melee (at least 1 more feat) to recive posibillity to deal better dmg (if you line at least 3 enemies in the row (and keep tham lined till you kill them - virtually impossible without paralysing bow - that around lv 17 is usless)).

    Unfortunety last statement of Dev about ranged combat was that they will not increase it speed.

  10. #10
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    A large problem with Ranged Combat is RoA (Rate of Attack)

    This is actually in two parts though.

    1. Actual Single Target DPS as relates to actual RoA. When you attack less than 60% as often as the next lowest combat form and do significantly less damage per shot you are not going to do a lot of DPS. So, the RoA needs to be increased.

    2. The Perception of RoA is slow. This game is fast paced. When you attack at less than 60% the RoA of the next slowest attack form there is a very real frustration and does not lend itself to a satisfying combat.

    So we attack slower, do less damage per hit and FEEL like we are.

    Now a lot of this is mitigated SITUATIONALLY by certain Feats and abilities.

    Many Shot. For 20 sec every 2 minutes our RoA is (more than) quadrupled.
    Improved Precise Shot. If you can cause mobs to line up for you you can fire an arrow through all of them. This can make the overall DPS increase by 2,3 or more times.

    In order to actually get a Ranged pass that increases the overall SUSTAINED damage those two abilities may end up being "balanced".

    One possibility is that IPS could stop after the second target.

    Many Shot may be moved more towards the way it works in PnP where you're actual RoA is reduced but you can move and fire a number of arrows simultaneously.

    Another option for Many Shot is to split its timer in two. This would give 2 volleys of Arrows for a shorter amount of time. This would work similar to the way a Paladin Smite Evil works and individually recharge.

    Another aspect holding back Ranged Combat effectiveness is single target damage.

    Melee has Power Attack. Ranged Combat could have a similar Feat called:

    Over Draw
    Prerequisite: STR 13, Bow Strength, Weapon Focus: Ranged, BAB 4
    Benefit: By taking a -3 penalty to the attack roll Archers gain a +5 bonus to damage

    Another short fall of Ranged Combat is its lack of Tactical Feats and its reliance on AI short falls.

    The AI short fall I refer to is Kiting. Its silly that a critter is going to just keep folloing a damaging foe that they cannot themselves harm. These critters should either use their own Ranged attacks back or remove themselves from the combat situation or attack another target

    A ranged Tactic that would be nice to see added in is Ranged Pin. This would act as a single target web effect. The Ranged Combatant puts an Arrow or a Bolt through the target and imbeds it in the ground pinning said target to the spot for a couple seconds.

    there are a few oher things I've brought up in the past as well.

    Effectively ranged combat needs a large balancing pass that improves RoA and functionality while not overpowering it.

    I need to get ready for work now so toodles

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