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  1. #1
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Question About the wilderness area slayers?

    Players are now able to add an effect to their character that gives them a chance to earn additional slayer points when they kill a monster in a Wilderness area.

    A floaty text now displays when a player gets a bonus slayer kill due to a buff or world property.
    Has anyone tested and found out what exactly this is all about yet?

    I would love to see them make the slayers a bit more feasible, this would be awesome for TR's if they made the XP a bit more appealing as we would not have to be so stringent on what actual quests we run.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dawnsfire's Avatar
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    Default Slayers

    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Has anyone tested and found out what exactly this is all about yet?

    I would love to see them make the slayers a bit more feasible, this would be awesome for TR's if they made the XP a bit more appealing as we would not have to be so stringent on what actual quests we run.
    I have not tested it but I assume it will be like the deed accelerator tomes do in LOTRO. Each beastie you kill counts as 2 for the duration (fixed) of the effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Torc View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member goblean's Avatar
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    Just noticed in the DDO store there are two slayer boost pots.

    When used, this item boosts the amount of kills you get toward slayer quests in adventure areas by 25%. With this effect, for every four kills you make, you get credit for one additional bonus kill. Lasts for 30 minutes. Pauses in public areas and when logged out but does not pause in quests.

    When used, this item boosts the amount of kills you get toward slayer quests in adventure areas by 33%. With this effect, for every three kills you make, you get credit for one additional bonus kill. Lasts for 30 minutes. Pauses in public areas and when logged out but does not pause in quests.

  4. #4
    Community Member I_Bob's Avatar
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    Hate that we have to use real money yet again.
    Why can't those pots be loot in some chest, perhaps in a Rare's chests in the current wilderness area?

  5. #5
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    Well, the Slayer Count Boost (lesser or Medium) that you can currently buy from the store grants you either 25% or 33% bonus to slayers for 30 minutes.

    I tested the medium slayer boost and for every three kills you get credit for additional one.

  6. #6
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Wow...why does Turbine have to be so clueless about taking stuff that is somewhat successful in LoTRO and using it here too.....I mean...sorry but they should be at least 50%........this is not worth it at all....the XP/min in slayer areas is already they are gonna need to do better than 33% to appeal to the people who would actually buy them.

    Actually it would have to be 100%....double kills...come one Turbine, it works in LoTRO...why can't we have it here too?

    And while your at it......get with it and give us XP per kill instead of XP per a certain amount of kills......your ruining a perfectly good part of this game with amounts before XP rewarded.

    If you did that alone u would add back a ton of content to the game as people would actually probably invest more time in these.

  7. #7
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    I tried it (medium) and for a short time yesterday, I was getting double , I was like " oh wow, me likes" , this will be great in some of the slayers. but this last time (today) it pretty much was like Ugly said 3 for 4 and now I'm like Hmmm, but it is still an improvement and speeds up Slayers, but it'll be at a cost

  8. #8
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    XP boosting type store potions do drop ultra rarely in regular treasure..

    One would hope this one, and the new crafting one, also drop in treasure.

  9. #9
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    This also means: Turbine can, if they want to, increase the slayer bonus on special days like they do with bonus xp sometimes.
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  10. #10
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    And while your at it......get with it and give us XP per kill instead of XP per a certain amount of kills......your ruining a perfectly good part of this game with amounts before XP rewarded.

    If you did that alone u would add back a ton of content to the game as people would actually probably invest more time in these.
    I agree with the rest of your post but not this. I do NOT want to see grinding kills as a means to levelling in DDO. That would bring it much closer to all the other MMOs out there and there's enough of that going on as it is. The slayer targets is a really interesting flavour of this game, and in keeping with the rest of the game's 'objective' based XP rewards. You want the XP - put in the time. Loot grind I totally disagree with, but XP has to be given out in measured chunks in this game, not dribs and drabs. In DnD you get Xp when you complete an objective. You might get it based on HD killed, but you get it at a specific point in the adventure, not 'as you go'.

    I suppose it could work if each explorer area capped out at how many kills would grant you XP (i.e. if the slayer limit caps out at 400 as it does in the Hills), and if it capped the level range as they do now... but I'd still really rather they didn't do it at all.
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  11. #11
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I suppose it could work if each explorer area capped out at how many kills would grant you XP (i.e. if the slayer limit caps out at 400 as it does in the Hills), and if it capped the level range as they do now... but I'd still really rather they didn't do it at all.
    Each area has a cap on the slayer count. The Vale for instance caps out at 5000 for each type. The Named you can keep killing for exp however.

    One of the reasons I like slayer exp is it really is exp you can do the laundry too, or take a much lower level friend through. Much like favor runs, it ends up as DDO's own little mentor system.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    And while your at it......get with it and give us XP per kill instead of XP per a certain amount of kills......your ruining a perfectly good part of this game with amounts before XP rewarded.
    This would change a tedious grind for xp into a (relatively speaking) fun grind where you can do as much or as little as you want without feeling like you're being forced into a chore just to get to the next milestone for the credit.

  13. #13
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    That entry in the patch notes sounded truly promising and exciting.

    Now I'm honestly underwhelmed.

  14. #14
    Founder tfangel's Avatar
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    One way to think of it is that you do get xp per kill, but they hold it until you reach a certain amount. Each kill counts, even if you leave and do something else. To me, it only becomes annoying when you get over a few hundred, and into the thousands it seems like a never ending line of going in and repeating. Especially when the zones have only a couple dozen it seems. A small change i'd not mind would be lowering each "tier" where you get xp, even if it means less xp seemingly given.

    As i solo a lot, this is something i can do quickly and not worry about it not counting, and at level 18, not a whole lot of quicker quests i can just do that i haven't run to death or have troubles with on my wiz.

  15. #15
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    Changing the mechanics to per kill instead of milestones would also eliminate one of my favorite leveling tricks: holding multiple high level slayers a few kills short of the mark, then drinking an xp pot for the bonus on all of them in one shot.

  16. #16
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Well if they want to keep it a milestone before XP then they should raise the XP. Lets face it these explorer areas are huge....the XP/min is trash unless you are doing it with 4-6 people who can each go their own way.

    I am not talking about getting rid of the cap, or increasing the XP really, but simply awarding it on each kill.

    Like for instance you would still only be able to get only 3000 total gnoll slayers in the sands and that would be it, your cutoff.....but give the XP each time you get a kill.......simply divide the XP grand total for slayers in an area and divide it by the for my example it would be 19.5 xp per kill. I mean I get sick of so much XP being wasted because you are out there clearing the way to a quest and end up with some odd number like 1035 kills and ur 2 XP from leveling to 16......who wants to go out and kill another 465 gnolls just to get that XP.....not many I would think.

    They are a fun novelty as it stands, but not very practical for XP IMO. BTW adding some of the stuff from more mainstream MMO's is saving this game not killing it. This game is way to unique in way to many other ways to ever be just "another MMO"......and this is coming from someone who has been a consistent more than casual player for over 4 years.

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