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  1. #1
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Default It doesn't take much to tank sully

    A few days ago, i was leading a vod, and got a tell from an ac build, who said he could tank. halfway through the quest, he dies several times, and tries in vain to grab agro of the devil.
    i was on my dps specced 1st life thf low ac paladin, and grabbed the agro, and managed to keep it the entire fight, by using a load of curse pots, and staying alive by the clerics heals.
    i did not die as much as the "tank". it doesn't take a wf or a ac to tank suulo, just a good player.

  2. #2
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Here you go!
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post

    Here you go!
    hahaha, I lol'ed I did expect something like that but wow, funny stuff

    & also grats to the OP for realizing that! Ac tank/intim tank is not requierd for any endgame boss what so ever you can hate tank anything with the right amount of hate and hp.

  4. #4
    Community Member Illiain's Avatar
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    I've actually found monks or monk multiclass builds that can hold agro to be great hate tanks for VoD. They typically have enough AC to not require constant healing, and they usually have really good healing amp.

  5. #5
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    You have to have a Warforge to tank Sully otherwise it just can't be done. Afterall, that is all they are good for, right?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirTeo View Post
    you can hate tank anything with the right amount of hate and hp.
    Yep, but you forgot to include the endless supply of mnemonics; you're buying right?

  7. #7
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    Are we talking about tanking Sully the barkeep on the Guild Ship?

    I would love to raise a tankard to him as well!
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

  8. #8
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    A few days ago, i was leading a vod, and got a tell from an ac build, who said he could tank. halfway through the quest, he dies several times, and tries in vain to grab agro of the devil.
    i was on my dps specced 1st life thf low ac paladin, and grabbed the agro, and managed to keep it the entire fight, by using a load of curse pots, and staying alive by the clerics heals.
    i did not die as much as the "tank". it doesn't take a wf or a ac to tank suulo, just a good player.
    you can brute force anything if you bring enough brute force. that doesn't necessarily make it the best solution to any problem though.

    a proper AC tank can basically laugh in sully's face, and be kept alive with nothing more than a cleric's aura, pretty much.

    now granted, you're not likely to get that guy into your group, but if you do have that guy in your group it makes the raid very easy.

  9. #9
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illiain View Post
    I've actually found monks or monk multiclass builds that can hold agro to be great hate tanks for VoD. They typically have enough AC to not require constant healing, and they usually have really good healing amp.
    it was a ranger/monk ac build, with over 70 ac. it was just unbelieveably squishy.

  10. #10
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    Sometimes squishy is much more enjoyable.
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  11. #11
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    You have to have a Warforge to tank Sully otherwise it just can't be done. Afterall, that is all they are good for, right?
    Naah, I ran with a WF the other day that made an AMAZING cappuchino! My new favorite use for a WF in party. Kages is always welcome in parties from now on.

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  12. #12
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    Naah, I ran with a WF the other day that made an AMAZING cappuchino! My new favorite use for a WF in party. Kages is always welcome in parties from now on.

    they already have the robotic parts to be a coffee machine, right?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    it doesn't take a wf or a ac to tank suulo, just a good player.
    Having an AC tank however does make the healers job much easier!

    Even though I don't like the quest much, I find myself joining pug LFM's for Vod looking for a WF tank on either of my two non-WF AC builds just to show that it can be done without a WF tank.

    I imagine not everyone is geared the same, so I hope I'm not giving raid leaders a false sense of security that you should just take any non-WF tank!

  14. #14
    Founder Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubledge View Post
    A few days ago, i was leading a vod, and got a tell from an ac build, who said he could tank. halfway through the quest, he dies several times, and tries in vain to grab agro of the devil.
    i was on my dps specced 1st life thf low ac paladin, and grabbed the agro, and managed to keep it the entire fight, by using a load of curse pots, and staying alive by the clerics heals.
    i did not die as much as the "tank". it doesn't take a wf or a ac to tank suulo, just a good player.
    You're missing the point. It isn't about being good. The whole high ac / wf thing is for raiding while drunk.
    .: Reaper :.
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  15. #15
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roman View Post
    You're missing the point. It isn't about being good. The whole high ac / wf thing is for raiding while drunk.
    Is there any other way to raid???

  16. #16
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    It sounds like you didn't have an AC tank. You haven't specified this toons AC, but 70 won't cut it. Since the toon is a ranger, he's probably a bit low on the HP side, and shouldn't try this on Normal unless he's hitting about 78-80 AC. On Hard, he'll want to be hitting about 82-84 AC.

    If your run was on Normal, and he had 80 AC, then his death is the fault of your incompetent healers, since he would have been able to be kept alive with a cleric's aura. But his AC wasn't cutting it, obviously. Nothing to see here except you picking a non-AC tank with low HP.

    It's also no surprise that your Paladin could hold aggro more easily. You'll have to give the ranger/monk build some time to secure aggro, since they don't have the nice hate-gen abilities of the Paladin. (And their DPS will be lower than some of the members in the party.) It sounds like you failed to allow the hate-tank to secure aggro, and this is a fail on your part. Relying on a hate-tank is something the party does as a team, and if the party does it, it can make everything so much easier if heals are limited. If you have more than enough healing, go for a zero-AC high DPS hate-tank for speed and burn your healer's mana like mad.

    I say this as a ranger/monk AC build that can hate-tank Elite Sullomades in ToD and be scroll-healed while doing so.

  17. #17
    Community Member CanuckWench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    You have to have a Warforge to tank Sully otherwise it just can't be done. Afterall, that is all they are good for, right?

    I would like to call BS on this statement. I was in a hard VOD and we had a WF tank I can't remember his build it was awhile ago. I was on my light path monk. not only did I pull aggro I tanked the rest of the raid. I think I pulled agrro just befor he hit 50%. With a good eye and a pally you can keep a squishy tank uncursed ... plus it takes what 3 seconds to drink a pot ... and if you are paying attenton you will see the curse icon go across your screen.
    Drink a pot or call it out. Curse wands are cheap a Pally,Bard,Sorc or anyone with UMD can flick it.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanuckWench View Post
    I would like to call BS on this statement.
    And so would he, if he caught anyone saying it without sarcasm tags.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faent View Post
    It sounds like you didn't have an AC tank. You haven't specified this toons AC, but 70 won't cut it. Since the toon is a ranger, he's probably a bit low on the HP side, and shouldn't try this on Normal unless he's hitting about 78-80 AC. On Hard, he'll want to be hitting about 82-84 AC.

    If your run was on Normal, and he had 80 AC, then his death is the fault of your incompetent healers, since he would have been able to be kept alive with a cleric's aura. But his AC wasn't cutting it, obviously. Nothing to see here except you picking a non-AC tank with low HP.

    It's also no surprise that your Paladin could hold aggro more easily. You'll have to give the ranger/monk build some time to secure aggro, since they don't have the nice hate-gen abilities of the Paladin. (And their DPS will be lower than some of the members in the party.) It sounds like you failed to allow the hate-tank to secure aggro, and this is a fail on your part. Relying on a hate-tank is something the party does as a team, and if the party does it, it can make everything so much easier if heals are limited. If you have more than enough healing, go for a zero-AC high DPS hate-tank for speed and burn your healer's mana like mad.

    I say this as a ranger/monk AC build that can hate-tank Elite Sullomades in ToD and be scroll-healed while doing so.
    Sounds like you listen to someone who didnt have a AC tank before you built yours.

    I mean, as a Monk with 75ac ive been able to tank suul on elite, with little to no problem. on normal/hard ive had runs with the healers not going below 75%

    So no... you dont need no 80AC to tank suul on anything except on elite.

    But yes, with the proper AC tank makes the party go smooth. a improper one like any tank, ends up being a resource drain.

  20. #20
    Community Member Dracey's Avatar
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    Some of you are missing the point here. Accomplishing quests or raids has got absolutely nothing to do with any specific build, race or even party composition. In the case of the original post, you don't need a Warforged or an AC tank to handle Suulomades. He argues that it simply takes a good player, but I'm going to throw in that it takes Competence and not just in game play but also in communication, common sense or perhaps even reaction skills. A competent leader or a competent team tends to suffice and in the original post's scenario, the leader was able to take action and flip the game plan in the midst of battle and that is an uncommon quality. It may have been more difficult and avoidable, but again, that was not the point to be made.

    Yes, properly built AC tanks will polish the group performance greatly. But the majority of PUGs will Not waste so much time to seek one out. It's far easier to find an available Warforged to hate tank and a spare Spell Caster to spam Reconstruct despite various possible trades offs such as fewer DPS or whatever the case.

    In the course of my ranting, I've went off topic and decided to continue the second half of this post on new thread:

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