Goal of this build is to make an unarmed melee that can effectively stun in Epics, with decent DPS, and viable tanking abilities (Sulu at least; perhaps not Horoth).
Main features:
* 50 DC Stunning Fist, before ship buff brings it to 51. Past lives in Fighter can bring to 54.
* DPS comparable to high STR Light Monks
* WF, for immunities and reconstructability (Dwarf would get +1 DC, though)
* Enough HP to easily tank Sulu, possibly Horoth
* Shadow Fade, nice damage mitigation for tanking.
Some potential issues:
* It is STR based, but with maxed WIS. STR is relatively low, as Fighters go, but within the realm of STR Monks, as long as power surge is on. The Kensai/Focus/Specialization extra dmg/attack should help mitigate the downsides of a low-ish STR.
* Only 7 Power Surges, so may have longevity issues in quests.
* Is a 50 or so DC good enough? The build gives up quite a bit to get there. No strikes or stances beyond tier 1. No ToD.
* Very little hate-amp built in, and not great DPS. Highly dependent on gear-based hate-amp to hold aggro. Should be able to fit decent intimidate, though, to help out.
WF Fighter 12/Monk 8
36-point build, past life Monk
STR 15 + 3 [Fighter] + 2 [tome] + 7 [item] + 1 [except.] + 8 [power surge] + 2 [sun stance] = 38
CON 14 + 2 [Tome] + 6 [item] + 2 [except.] = 24
DEX 15 + 2 [tome] = base 17
WIS 16 + 5 [levels] + 2 [tome] + 6 [item] + 2 [Monk] + 3 [except.] - 2 [sun] = 32
Stunning Fist: 10 + 10 [half level] + 10 [wraps] + 11 [WIS mod] + 2 [Kensai] + 4 [Fighter] + 3 [WF] = 50 + 1 [Ship WIS] = 51
Stunning Blow: 10 + 10 + 14 + 1 [Rage] + 2 + 4 + 3 + 1 [Madstone] = 44 + 1 [Ship STR] = 45
Avg base damage per hit: 7 [2d6 hit die] + 8 [PA] + 14 [STR] + 1 [Rage] + 2 [Kensai] + 4 [Specialization] + 2 [enhancements] + 9 [Bard] = 49 + 3 [Ship STR/Hob] = 52 + 4 [ToD rings] = 56 + Wrap’s enhancement bonus
1 PA
1mnk TWF
2 Toughness
2mnk Stunning Fist
3 Monk past life
3ftr WF: Bludgeon
4 Toughness
4ftr Stunning Blow
[5 Mnk]
6 [Ftr] Toughness
7ftr WS: Bludgeon
[8 Ftr]
9ftr Imp Crit: Bludgeon
[10 Ftr]
11ftr GWF: Bludgeon
12 [Ftr] Toughness
13ftr GTW
[14 Ftr]
15 Toughness
15ftr GWS; Bludgeon
[16, 17 Mnk]
18 Toughness
18mnk Dodge
[19, 20 Mnk]
20 Base
8 * 8 = 64 Monk
10 * 12 = 120 Fighter
140 CON [24]
22 * 6 = 132 Toughness
20 Toughness enhancements
30 GFL
20 Minos
45 Shroud
10 Draconic
= 601
+ 20 Rage
+ 40 Madstone
= 661
+ 40 Yugo
= 721
Enhancements (not checked for AP spent prereqs):
3 Attack Boost II
3 Critical Accuracy II
1 Fighter Unarmed Spec I
6 Kensai II
2 Kensai Unarmed Spec II
2 Static Charge
2 Imp Jump II
2 Imp Tumble II
4 Ninja Spy I
10 Fighter Stunning IV
12 WF Tactics III
12 Fighter STR III
6 Monk WIS II
1 WF Brute I
1 Fighter Toughness I
1 Racial Toughness I
3 Haste Boost II
1 (open; Void I for finishers, perhaps?)
Any thoughts?