This is almost useless feat only for Drows (because is for free). For others is completely useless because:* Shuriken Expertise
o Prereqs: Requires one of: Dexterity 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Shuriken, or Half-Elf Dilettante: Monk
o Benefit: You are skilled with the use of the shuriken, and have a chance to throw an additional shuriken per throw. The percent chance to throw an additional shuriken is equal to your Dexterity.
o Special: Automatically granted to Drow characters at level one. Monks may select this feat at levels 1, 2, or 6 as a selected martial arts class feat.
- Dexterity have no love in DDO with few exception.
- Shuriken in the worst throwing weapon in DDO (1d2 base damage 20/x2 critics)
- You must take another feat (Weapon Proficiency) to use Shuriken (and this new feat)
I know that you implement this feat, because you already work for Ten Thousand Stars Monk ability, but in current implementation is just another useless feat.
Before live please change it to be more useful.
My suggestion for easy improvements:
Suggestion no.1:
- Chance to 2nd throw: 50% + equal to your Dexterity (if sum is beyond 100% you have chance to 3rd attack)
- Additional 5% to Critical Threat Range (Add after any other bonuses)
- Free for Monks on level 4
- Free for Drows on level 1
Suggestion no.2
- Chance to 2nd throw: Triple equal to your Dexterity (chance to 3rd attack if beyond 100%)
- Additional 5% to Critical Threat Range (Add after any other bonuses)
- Free for Monks on level 4
- Free for Drows on level 1
Suggestion no.3
- Chance to 2nd throw: equal to your Dexterity
- Change Critical Threat Range to 19-20/x2 (before any other bonuses)
- Free for Monks on level 4
- Free for Drows on level 1
Suggestion no.4
- Inherent shuriken ability: chance to 2nd strike equal to your Dexterity
- On level 1 Drow and Monk Ninja Spy I: 25% chance to 2nd strike with shuriken (stack with Inherent shuriken ability)
- Shuriken Expertise feat:
- 19-20/x2 Base Critical Threat Range for shuriken
- +4 to confirm critical hits for shuriken
- Slicing ability (1d4) on vorpals for shuriken
- (or something similar)