Here is my laundry list of crud that I have to trade for Scales and Stones. I will put values next to the items. If you feel these values are too high, feel free to haggle.
For the purposes of these trades 1Scale=2Stones. Just in case you want to bundle and pay scales.
Also, feel free to comment on my prices, my items, or my general demeanor in game. I welcome all posts in this thread!
Epic Scrolls
Scroll of Winters Wrath- 1Stone (Brassmonkky)
Scroll of Blademarks Docent- 1Stone (Brassmonkky)
Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers- 1Scale (Brassmonkky)
Scroll of The Ironweave Robe- 1/2Stone (Brassmonkky)
Scroll of The Elyd Edge- 1Stone (Opposites)
Scroll of The Souleater- 1Scale (Mannhattan)
Scroll of The Ironweave Robe- 1/2Stone (Mannhattan)
Scroll of The Ironweave Robe- 1/2Stone (Ihurt)
+5 Flaming Scimitar of Pure Good- 1Stone (Wenglebert)
+5 Holy Scimitar of Pure Good- 1Stone (Wenglebert)
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Smiting- 1Stone (Chickenbone)
+1 True Chaos Scimitar of Smiting- 1Stone (Chickenbone)
+4 Metalline Scimitar of Pure Good RR WF- 1Scale (Opposites)
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Smiting- 1Stone (Opposites)
+5 Ghost Touch Rapier of Pure Good- 1Stone (Wenglebert)
+3 Banishing Rapier of Shatter+2- 1Scale (Cleavon)
+4 Holy Silver Dagger- 1Stone (Wenglebert)
+3 Wounding Dagger of Puncturing- 1Scale (Cleavon)
+3 Shocking Burst Dagger of Greater Evil Outsider Bane- 1Stone (Cleavon)
+3 Metalline Dagger of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane- 1Scale (Macedturkey)
+4 Holy Kama of Greater Lawful Outsider bane- 1Scale (Brassmonkky)
+1 Holy Burst Kama of Evil Outsider Bane- 1Stone (Miiko)
+2 Thundering Handwraps of Stunning +10 1Scale (Brassmonkky)
+3 Weakening Handwraps of Enfeebling- 1Stone (Skwiisgaar)
+2 Metalline Handwraps of Destruction- 1Scale (Brassmonkky)
+3 Frost Handwraps of Stunning +10- 1Scale (Brassmonkky)
+2 Icy burst Handwraps of Stunning +10 RR Halfling- 1Scale (Ihurt)
+3 Weakening Handwraps of Enfeebling- 1Stone (Mannhattan)
+3 True Law Handwraps of Stunning+10- 1Scale (Mannhattan)
+2 Holy Handwraps of Stunning+10- 3Scales (Macedturkey)
+1 Mettaline Handaxe of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane- 1Scale (Ihurt)
+4 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Disruption- 1Stone (Ihurt)
+2 Metalline Battle Axe of Greater Lawful Outsider bane- 1Scale (Ihurt)
+1 Holy Burst Kopesh of Pure Good- 1Stone (Johnf)
+2 Metalline Kopesh of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane- 1Scale (Johnf)
Misc. 1 Handers
+3 Flaming Cold Iron Light Mace of Pure Good- 1/2Stone (Ihurt)
+1 Holy War Hammer of Greater Evil Outsider Bane- 1Scale (Macedturkey)
+1 Wounding Heavy Pick of Puncturing- 1Stone (Johnf)
+5 Metalline Light Hammer of Pure Good- 1Scale (Mannhattan)
+2 Ghost Touch Long Sword of Disruption- 1Stone (Macedturkey)
+1 Holy Light Mace of Greater Evil Outsider Bane- 1Scale (Murderrface)
+2 Ghost Touch War Hammer of Disruption- 1Stone (Miiko)
Misc. 2 Handers
+5 Falchion of Greater Construct Bane- 1Stone (Opposites)
+5 Thundering Falchion of Construct Bane- 1Stone (Brassmonkky)
+4 Viscous Falchion of Greater Construct Bane- 1Scale (Murderrface)
Bracers of Armor +8/Repair +3 ML 19- 1Stone (Skwiisgaar)
Reconstruction II Crown of the Archmagi- 1Stone (Brassmonkky)
Helm of the Archmagi RR Dwarf ml 15 Small guild slot- 2Scales (Brassmonkky)