They seems to me a bit "powerful". The question is: shouldn't they allow a save at least for something? (Not sure if they already do, since i cannot copy my sorc on lamma :-/ , copy failed)
What do you think?
They seems to me a bit "powerful". The question is: shouldn't they allow a save at least for something? (Not sure if they already do, since i cannot copy my sorc on lamma :-/ , copy failed)
What do you think?
Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.
Nope, it's really only good for big bosses. Everything else dies too quickly for it to be efficient.
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
To fully stack, this will take at least 30 seconds, and about ~150 spell points, without bothering with the Savant's curse. All but "boss mobs" will be dead before the application of the second stack - and frankly, without the stack, Acid Rain does more damage, and is AoE.
To answer your question : Currently, there is no save, but they are affected by the "Heighten" Metamagic. So... either they are meant to have a save, or whoever Copy-Pasted them over from another spell description left the Heighten component in there. This has been bug reported.
/not signed
These new spells are very good, but are impractical as it stands against pretty much anything but a raid boss. Normal boss mobs will be dead before these get into full gear in most cases. That for me points towards these spells being in specifically for that purpose. Adding a save would make them considerably weaker, possibly to the point of making them not worth using.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Wow.. just wow...
you havent even tried the spells or savant yet and your froobish abilities to see into the future says omg op.....
heres an idea dude... play it before ya post it, its not to hard really.... oh and your transfer failed... yeah that means your post should be *hey guys how powerful are these spells*... or you could i dunno JUST LOOK AT THE THREADS ALREADY IN PROGRESS hmmm?
I agree. These spells will only see limited use against trash mobs. However they shine against anything with enough HP.
I do wonder if it's intended that there is a delay after casting for the spell to deal damage.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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These spells should be buffed if anything... they're barely better then the level 2 acid arrow (which acid savants get almost free) and much weaker then burning blood, which is only level 4. Of all the DOT spells, these are probably the least efficient in terms of damage per sp.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
Really for all other applications it has no function. I tested it on Lamania and really it's too much of an agro magnet for solo use. You will almost never use this spell unless you are in an Epic beatdown or Boss encounter. The reasons for this are simple, it draws agro to you and takes too long to build up to effectiveness. May work great for boss mobs where you need not be concerned with agro but I'm too bored with it to test it. I would have prefered a DoT AOE electrical spell, this is more of a gimic to placate those of us who will be upset with all the nerfage.
After testing on Lamania here are my grades.
1) Casting Timers - F, If people want a machine gun then they will run out of amo quickly, if they want a sniper rifle then they will be selective and perserve amo. All you've done is force everyone into a sniper role with a muzle loader. Fail.
2) Fire Wall - C- Not going to be a factor except for those solo artists out there who will just move on to the next game.
3) Power Word Kill - D, Still worthless, it's really just another finger of death with an insanely long cool down and no cool red finger over the head of the newly demised.
4) Fear Spell - F, Still not working as a cone spell since it was broken 2 updates ago with the Radiant Servant, Prayer and Recitation fix... I would have thought it would have been fixed in this massive spell mod/nerf.
5) Elemental Enhancement Lines - EF, Not liking the new lines as it is really forcing my wizard to spec in fire. Before, I could max in fire and cold without much sacrifice, now I am forced to choose only one and since no other line has a decent DoT AoE spell I am forced to max fire. So I have to rank this change with an EF for Epic Fail!
6) Lightning Bolt - B-, Further experimentation is needed but one would have to max the elemental line to make proper use of this. Hmmm.... B-, still not convinced.
7) Death Aura - A+ Thank You! Much, much better.
8) Damaging Fog Spells - F, While the slightly increased damage modifiers were nice, Fog spells are still only good for concealment on boss beatdowns. The CC effect was all but removed on the last nerf rendering them useless but for concealment, which is only rarely used in boss situtations. Fail.
9) Mind Fog - B, It seems we will be forced into using this once again as epic mobs are getting a save boost but then if mass hold looses too much both may have been nerfed into obscurity. We'll have to see how this plys out tactically.
10) Hold Monster - F, Not necessary, again it seems we are being forced into the DPS beatdown role with Barbarians. So much for you Pick and TWFing users out there, unless you max stregnth you're going to continue to be useless in epics and boss beatdowns.
Enough is enough, I can't go on. Is this a Mod with content or just a huge nerf. I tested this stuff on my Palemaster and all I noticed was that the new timers were a great irritation and I my mass holds are no longer a great debuff for my woo woo stick.
Thanks for the NERFS Turbine, your going to make my SWTOR decision an easy one. All we needed was a couple AOE spells to complement the new sorc lines, was that so hard?
Last edited by Jacoby; 03-30-2011 at 10:37 PM.
These spells just need a damage tick on cast. And it would be more useful in normal quest rotation spell list.
With the delay before any damage they're only real good on bosses or anything that would stand up past a 1-3 hit of something instant.
They're kind of expensive. but if you had sp to burn in some quests you could toss them in with your normal instant casts for a tick or two. or as a fire and forget for some of the stronger mobs that might last longer than 3-4 other quick spells.
So far their only real save is... they're level 5 spells. Not covered by the blanket immune to level X and under buff some bosses have. They need some sort of boost to get them into regular use. Damage tick on cast... Let them work on portals maybe? Free enlarge?
At the high end, an air savant can sustain over 500 DPS for 8+ minutes - no save, unaffected by fortification, and bypassing 15 resistance for good measure. Put another way, electrical savants can now sustain higher DPS than almost any melee against devil raid bosses.
They definitely do not need to be buffed.
The bosses I referred to have high(er than 15) acid/cold resistances. Also, the 8 minute figure I referenced was exhausting all SP on only the curses and Eladar's Surge. Throwing in other spells could conceivably increase DPS (haven't checked) but would severely reduce the period, which kind of defeats the purpose. I would have to check more, but my suspicion is that the overall damage is maximized in the scenario I describe here.
I suspect that the analysis you refer to has been performed against targets with no (or effectively no) resistance to acid and fire. The targets I have in mind are currently immune to fire and highly resistant to acid, but let us put this issue aside for the moment. We're talking about an arcane sustaining 500 DPS for >8 minutes, and if you are correct this output is inferior(!!) to some other arcane build. Savants are dramatically overpowered if that is the case. No one could disagree, could they?Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer
Not sure how indepth your calculations are but consider a sorcerer with full enhancements in efficient empower (if after damage/PrE lines there are free points at least), ring of thelis and active epic ornamental daggers (free maximise).
Then a cold savant can hit the 2 dots (eledar's electric surge + niac's biting cold) and probably do more damage than an electric savant doing the same thing (as the 15/electric resist bypass will be useless against the raid bosses in question).
Also, you would expect that SLA's will be cycled, lightning bolt + electric loop for Air and frost lance + Niac's + snowball swarm for the Water, not sure I'd want to get close enough to do shocking grasp (though I'd consider it in many quests).
With the above discounts Polar Ray would only cost 21 SP as well and do an average of about 1100 damage for the water savant or 700 for air, not sure if that would be worthwhile
Overall, sorcerers are looking like decent DPS which is just weird.
Oh well, things change as things will ...