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  1. #41
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backley View Post
    Or 200 Seeker +4, or 100 Everbright, or 100 Axiomatic, or any other Law-typed effects. No need to hoard Seeker +10's for deconstruction.

  2. #42
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post

    True Law \ Law alignment damage
    Orc Bane

    (maybe more once we find out more).

    So, (as far as we know) those effects yield Law-type Essences (Law Marbles and Law Orbs).
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
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  3. #43
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backley View Post

    True Law \ Law alignment damage
    Orc Bane

    (maybe more once we find out more).

    So, (as far as we know) those effects yield Law-type Essences (Law Marbles and Law Orbs).
    And what was their source? There isn't a single source listed on that page other than a link to a post by a Dev that says none of what you just claimed. Nor is there any indication that you can mix and match the different essences.
    That's speculation. There is zero evidence to actually support it.
    I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying we simply don't know.
    Last edited by Calebro; 03-31-2011 at 03:35 AM.

  4. #44
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Crafting is not required to play DDO.

    Just play the game. Buy stuff that other people craft from AH, brokers, trade channel etc.

  5. #45
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thewalex View Post
    I would say this is probably the reason for DDO store trinket blanks. I can't think of a non-named, random property trinket.
    Pearl of Power I-X

    Random, non named, trinket. Now who in his right mind would crunch a PoP X to get a Trinket Blank...
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  6. #46
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    Pearl of Power I-X

    Random, non named, trinket. Now who in his right mind would crunch a PoP X to get a Trinket Blank...
    They are named items. They even have the gold border and flavor text specific to the item to prove it.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
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  7. #47
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanAndAScholar View Post
    +1 here. A game where $$$ means character power is a game I do not want to play.
    +1, me either.

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  8. #48
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    I heard that in update 9 that if you try to log in, they will automatically set your house on fire and then turn you into a brussel sprout . Worst of all chicken little the sky is falling down !

    Not from any reliable source of cource but hey I know what I am talking about and you all better watch out for this . Turbine are doing it !

    Of cource you can buy a thingymajum in the store to stop this happening , evil turbine money making scheme .

    Pointless conjecture about stuff you have no idea about is pointless .

  9. #49
    Community Member Neouni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    And what was their source? There isn't a single source listed on that page other than a link to a post by a Dev that says none of what you just claimed. Nor is there any indication that you can mix and match the different essences.
    That's speculation. There is zero evidence to actually support it.
    I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying we simply don't know.
    * Lorinda's Ultimate Remover
    o This bubbling, green concoction is used in crafting deconstruction recipes to dissolve 'suffix' treasure effects off of items and reduce them to their base magical essences.
    'Suffix' effects are those that are listed after the main title of the object. Example: A Dagger of Deception has 'Deception' as its 'suffix' effect.

    * Parfett's Leading Dissolver
    o This malleable, putty-like paste is used in crafting deconstruction recipes to dissolve 'prefix' treasure effects off of items and reduce them to their base magical essences.
    'Prefix' effects are those that are listed before the main title of the object but exclude enhancement bonus values such as '+1'. Example: A +2 Flaming Long Sword has 'Flaming' as its 'prefix' effect.

    And all the crafting school information is from the tooltips on crafting skills on the lamannia server (you know that extra page on your character sheet).

  10. #50
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    And what was their source? There isn't a single source listed on that page other than a link to a post by a Dev that says none of what you just claimed. Nor is there any indication that you can mix and match the different essences.
    That's speculation. There is zero evidence to actually support it.
    I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying we simply don't know.
    Their source is the information avaliable in the Lamannia test build. They got this information from looking up stuff in game. Though the full crafting system is not currently active (hence the limited information) the artifacts of the system are. The quest loot tables are offering the Unique crafting materials currently, the crafting page of the character sheet is active and viewable, the store items are purchasable, we just don't have access to the actual crafting tables yet.

    Now, admitedly anything on Lamannia can change prior to release, but it was gotten from the current preview build.

  11. #51
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    Crafting is not required to play DDO.

    Just play the game. Buy stuff that other people craft from AH, brokers, trade channel etc.
    We're not sure that will be an option yet. The bind state of crafted items is currently unknow, so AH, brokers, trade channel may not be an option.

    With that being said, I agree crafting in not a requirement in DDO and you can still play the game while ignoring the crafting systems.
    Last edited by Drakos; 03-31-2011 at 08:53 AM.

  12. #52
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    Might make blank trinkets drop in chests.
    Might make a new use for your gem bag.
    Might just cancel trinket crafting altogether.

    Listening to this thread, one would think everything Turbine does is a scheme to force people into buying stuff. Besides, we're doing just fine in the trinket department without Crafting.

  13. #53
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    One of the big questions is whther you can remove an effect without destroying an item. Similarly, can you add an effect to an item, or only to a blank?

    If so, then you can take an item that you ALMOST like, get rid of the "meh" effect, and replace the effect with one you prefer. A cheaper/easier way than starting all the way from scratch no doubt.

    If, on the other hand, they make it so that you can only add effects to blanks and have to create the items out of "whole cloth" then it'll be a tad challening.

  14. #54
    The Hatchery
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    You already get a power creep from paying Turbine: Greensteel, from the Vale of Twilight P2P pack.

    And what's wrong with having more power from paying? Epics, Raids, etc are the only places where having high end items really matters, and those places are P2P.

    No one is forcing you to craft. There's numerous named Raid loot/items that compete with any sort of crafted item. These crafted items, whatever they are, won't turn gimps into gods: they're just an alternate gear choice.

    If some of the blanks are only available in the DDO store i personally think that crafting may tip the scales towards being a pay to be uber game.
    And how uber will any crafted item make someone be? There are already some very powerful items in the game, most of them found in P2P packs. I'm not seeing a very large power creep: easy DR breakers, Undead/Elemental/Construct beaters, good vampiric weapons for self healing, etc but nothing that will completely change your character.

  15. #55
    Founder LordDamax's Avatar
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    My only complaint so far is high level crafting ingredients dropping in end reward lists of non-high level quests.

    Sounds like:
    A) A lame way to force people to run sorrowdusk.
    B) A way to let mid-levels make money by selling their stuff to high levels
    C) A way to get lv 20's to smash through low level quests for grind.

    Other than that, everything i've read is very exciting. Even the TP levels of the crafting stuff isnt bad.

    My one hope so far is that crafted items are NOT bound to account. That would be a real shame for the economy. A free market for trading these things, taking orders, etc would be really nice to see. The trinket being bound to account is a shame... I hope the other items arent.

    C'mon Thoon, fix the **** bug and get it in. I see your post, if you dont put it in today, and you do it over the weekend where I cant mess with it, I'm gonna hunt you down.

    Or I'll just do it monday. That sounds like the least effort
    Long Live New Xoriat
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  16. #56
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaisMatters View Post
    If this is the case than I'll be cancelling my Subs as soon as this becomes reality!
    free points are free points nobody said you have to use your money to buy them just wait till you have points to burn.

  17. #57
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    Pearl of Power I-X

    Random, non named, trinket. Now who in his right mind would crunch a PoP X to get a Trinket Blank...
    anyone with archmage or melee types or someone who has a magi item its not hard to get +100sp.

    they are named tho ........

  18. #58
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phidius View Post
    i Hope Not - We The Customers Are The Glass Jar.

    I'd Give Up My Banana Much Easier If Turbine Would Relax The Fist A Little.

    That Sounds Dirtier Than I Meant It.
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  19. #59
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanAndAScholar View Post
    +1 here. A game where $$$ means character power is a game I do not want to play.

    You have noticed that they sell stuff like mana pots in the DDO store have you?

    It is IMO far worse that they sell mana pots than that they plan to sell crafting blanks.

    Can I have your stuff?

  20. #60
    Community Member GentlemanAndAScholar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post

    You have noticed that they sell stuff like mana pots in the DDO store have you?

    It is IMO far worse that they sell mana pots than that they plan to sell crafting blanks.

    Can I have your stuff?
    Mana pots drop in the game like they're going out of style. What's your point?
    Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
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