Alright, so I just took a test run in good old shavarath on a badly geared barbarian and this is what I got on a helpless orange name. Also, one thing of good news! SLAYING ARROWS DO 750 POINTS OF HELPLESS DAMAGE! WOOOOO!
I was only at +20 damage in this picture, using barbarian boost instead of haste boost.
Sorry for the bad picture taking skills... Also why no vicious damage :'(
Although, now that I remember, I did have some titan+hezrou cookies I could have used+a store bought potion... hmmm....
Last edited by Alanim; 04-20-2011 at 04:04 PM.
Thanks, OP updated.
Enhanced base dice eh?
mmm not sure whats the point there.. They are still terrible dps weapons. It's something I guess.
Maybe a good sign tho, towards making future named loot more competitive with the currently rather bland tiering of named dps weapons to use.
(THF being pretty much carnfinex>sword of shadow>GS>epic sos)
(TWF being even worse: lootgen khopesh>GS>Epic chaosblade)
Really dont get why they never just do something logical like plug the numbers into a dps calc and have different weapons for different targets, to make collecting more weapons.. more fun.
EG devs:
Put more greater banes on weapons, along with other mods to surpass lootgen at this lvl(14-19), then for lvl20 loot.. More epic banes and more expanded crit range weapons to compete with esos. I mean we have all of 1 epic bane weapon in the game since epic came out years ago.. Such a disappointment.
U9 just makes THF endgame even more bland
Auto crit: Lit2 GS Greataxe generally best dps
Auto crit vs weak to fire: Triple fire GS Greataxe
Fire Elemental: Triple ice GS, or even lootgen grter ele bane + icy burst recipe
Dangerous epic mob that otherwise cant be CC'd normally due to high saves: Triple acid earthgrabber
Boss/non auto crit: ESoS
Auto crit: ESoS
Auto crit vs weak to fire: ESoS
Fire Elemental: ESoS (well after we render it helpless)
Boss/non auto crit: ESoS
Dangerous epic mob that otherwise cant be CC'd normally due to high saves: ESoS (given the +4 saves, earthgrab wont land enough to be worth it)
Boss/non auto crit: ESoS
Might as well delete my huge selection of greataxes.
Well that not entirely fair I guess.. At least triple pos greater disruption will be useful on undeads. Tho thats not really a change, as they currently are already pretty **** good for undead.
Last edited by Shade; 04-23-2011 at 12:10 AM.
I decided to take another go at hitting high with the new bow... None of the orange names were there, so I used the red-named troll in shavarath. I managed to almost top my helpless damage.
I managed to get a 414(or 621 if helpless) but didn't get to take a picture of it. This is as buffed as I can get by myself, sadly.
All in all, big improvement in damage.
If only this had epic. a Epic Bow of Sinew could be a force to be reckoned with.
*edit* Didn't even realize, my Damage boost was expired in that picture... +35 damage should be added to it. Only used it to simulate some gear a normal barbarian would have.
Last edited by Alanim; 04-23-2011 at 01:09 PM.
Pretty good.. tho i think you can go much higher.
Now my thf barb can get well over a +100 damage mod.. so a bowbarian would get:
-22 power attack
Around 80 str, so +53 for thf
So only +35 from str
-18 str mod
Lose ~6 from melee only boosts (claw/berserker)
So +54 dmg should be more then possible.. Well say you roll an average of 6 on each dmg roll. So about +60.
60 x 7
= 420
add seeker 12 (epic mari + bold trinket) (12x7=84)
Guess my initial guess was a bit off.. Bow probably can break 800 given some ranger PL and full buffs, but not much more.
I think epic thronlord can actaully beat it with a lower multi, but better base dice:
60 base for that..
+5 vs +12
67 base
Add another 6 for double base dice and say pretty good rolls
= 438
Seeker 12x6 = 72
= 510
Yea epic thornlord just barely wins out, even for a max seeker Bowbarian.
Not sure if you're still updating this thread, Shade, as this is now live.... however, I pulled an Epee today and noticed a change:
Epee is now metalline and aligned, making it a poor man's free +5 met of pg for bosses.
Still not sure I'd use it over a regular met of PG, and certainly not over any GS or even the CC smallblades, but there you have it anyways.
Also note that it dropped from the chest in the quickfoot hideout (where opening the chest spawns 2 xorian renders).
I am, but on the live forums now. And already got the epee update thanks.
Live thread:
I've seen this item drop in eVoN6 a few times. I'm not sure if it was added to the VoN6 Loot Table, or if it's one of the random drop store items, but I've seen it drop there. FYI
**Oops didn't notice that you made a live version of this thread...posting there...
**lol...and I guess I was late to the party and ninja'd by a few others...oh well
Last edited by ormsbygore; 05-24-2011 at 04:04 PM.
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