Originally Posted by
I did read your chart on efficiencies, and I agree that numbers wise, Maximize is more efficient. Perhaps my choice of wording was poor. In what circumstance are you going to need your Mass Cures to hit for more than Empower Heal makes them hit for? (I am assuming some basic level of gear here, which your calculations in your efficiency post do not include) The main benefit of Mass Cures is they cast quickly, so they can be spammed if you have fast incoming damage. This kind of damage usually comes in quick waves, such that you will be overhealing with spammed Maximized Cures. And if it's slow enough that you can wait, Mass Heal is more efficient.
Also, you left out Heal and Mass Heal completely in your analysis. Saying something like "Mass heal does not need empower healing - it just usually turns into overheal and wasted mana. Mass cures are already more efficient using maximize." is clearly false if you run the numbers for it.
Additionally, you are telling me that, in the middle of combat, you are going to stop fighting to switch weapons, use a clicky that lasts no longer than an action boost (did a Dev ever say if the Cove stuff that reads wrong is WAI?), then switch back to your DPS weapon. All while you are responsible for making sure the group stays up.
Again, you did not address Empower Heal's affects on Heal itself. I noted that you had mentioned this in your efficiencies post, and it is even more relevant here, since the FvS builds we are discussing are Warforged.
Um... actually according to my calculations, if the costs of MCLW and MCMW are decreasing (as said in the release notes), this actually benefits Empower Heal more than Maximize from a purely 'mathematical' standpoint (note on your chart MCMW is the break even for efficiency between the two, with U9 changes, Empower Heal comes out ahead; note that MCMW appears to be unchanged so far on Lamannia though). Also, Heal increasing in cost with no change in affect makes Empower Heal more important for making sure it hits for the biggest amount possible (overall efficiency is being decreased, but it is still the best single target heal out there). I see no relevant changes to Mass Heal (removal of Heighten? what?).
Again, you are going to hotswap these things to use their clicky in the middle of a fight? I can understand if you're an offensive caster and have it permanently equipped, but in the middle of a melee with no quickdraw?
How does AoV have anything to do with Empower Heal?