Posting what I plan to do. If you notice anything wrong, or anything I overlooked please call me out on it.
Classic two weapon fighting khopesh build.
36 Point Build
Race: Half-Orc
Class: 20 Fighter
Starting Stats:
Str - 20 +6(item) +2(exc) +1(exc) +2(orc) +3(fight) +2(yugo) +3(chrono) +8(fightboost) +2(rage) +2(tome) +5(levels) = 58
Dex - 15 +6(item) +2(tome) +2(ship) = 25
Con - 16 +7(item) +2(exc) +1(exc) +2(tome) +2(rage) +2(ship) = 28
Int - 7 +6(item) +2(tome) = 15
Wis - 8 +6(item) +2(tome) = 16
Cha - 7 +7(item) +2(tome) = 16
Weapon Proff. Khopesh
PA - Power Attack
TWF - Two Weapon Fighting
OTWF - Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
ITWF - Improved Two Weapon Fighting
GTWF - Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Imp Crit - Improved Critical Slashing
WF - Weapon Focus
GWF - Greater Weapon Focus
SWF - Superior Weapon Focus
WS - Weapon Specialization
GWS - Greater Weapon Specialization
Paladin Past life for divine favor clickies
5 toughnesses
I'm hoping for enough hp to tank horroth.
Debating taking stunning blow. Not sure it's worth it with update 9 around the corner. Any comments on this would be nice.
Also not sure on alignment. HOPEFULLY in the near future I will get my hands on atleast one, if not two Chaosblades.
So Chaotic (blank).