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  1. #1
    Community Member Zodh's Avatar
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    Lightbulb U9 Human Sorcerer critique [life #7]

    With the new update coming up it's time for me to perpetrate my last TR on Zodh - into a sorcerer (total 3wis, 3sorc; but missing 1 life @myddo cuz it was bugged for a while).
    So I've decided to make a quick review. Any suggestions to make this work better - are welsome.
    There we go.

    <True Neutral Human Sorcerer>

    Base Abilities

    12 STR
    8 DEX
    18 CON
    8 INT
    8 WIS
    18 CHA
    * where you put those 4 points after maxing CON/CHA - up to you; as for me - I don't like to be burdened and prefer STR.

    CHA analysis

    18 starting
    +5 lvl ups (23)
    +4 tome (27)
    +3 sorc charisma enhancements (30)
    +1 human adaptibility charisma (31)
    +7 helm (38)
    +3 exceptional (41)
    +1 litany (42)
    +2 ship shrine (44)
    +2 yugo pot (46)

    Skill points into UMD, Concentration.


    +60 sp and +3 evocation from Sorcerer PLs
    +6 Spell Pen from Wizard PLs
    1 - Empower
    1 - Maximize
    3 - Wizar PL
    6 - Extend
    9 - Heighten
    12 - Evocation 1
    15 - Quicken
    18 - Evocation 2
    "fk toughness, if i am going to die i'll fly away '' (c) Smithers


    Arnor: Epic Red Dragonscale Robe, Epic Diabolist's Robe, Regalia of the Phoenix (Superior Inferno IX clicky)
    Head: Epic Helm of Frost
    Neck: Noxious Embers, Epic Torc of Prince Rayium-de II, Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead, Xachosian Eardweller, Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass
    Goggles: SP Greensteel
    Gloves: HP Greensteel, Epic Bramble-Casters
    Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Belt: any ToD belt with CON/GFL, Rakhir's Sash or Air Savant set.
    Boots: GS x3-neg boots with all immunities, Kundarak Devling Boots.
    ToD rings with exceptional cha and con, maybe Rakhir's Ring.
    Hands: Epic Staff of Inner Sight, Staff of the Petitioner, Epic Ornamented Dagger, Skiver, Epic Greenblade
    *Goodluck, Toughness, Heavy Fort, GFL and anything else that seems to be missing - on Augment Slots.
    *Abishai set is for +3 evocation is very good for nuking.


    Air Savant! Why Air? Well, first of all, if you are going fire or cold, you are gimping the opposite element.
    Going Air is reducing only acid/earth, so fire/cold will still pwn.
    As an Air Savant you are getting abundant_step-like ability: 5sp, 6sec cooldown /drool
    So I see no reasong of going something else but Air Savant. Only for fun.
    Last edited by rus.andr0; 04-09-2011 at 07:03 AM.
    Zodh : sorc^140 // Zodha: fvs^60 // Zodhe: mnk^60 // Zodhr: barb^60 // Gnrl: bard^60 // Zodf: ftr^40
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  2. #2
    Community Member domecek1's Avatar
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    nice idea what about to take conjur instead of evoc for webs? Some cc should be still useful and epic diabolist rocks!
    Khyber - Darquel 20 bard (2xpast life bard) // Pelo 20 wizard (past life wiz/sorc) // Tyrantei 10 monk/7 fighter/1 rogue ( past life fighter) // Tyrcael 16 paladin (past life favored soul) // Tarrpancale 17 monk
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  3. #3
    Community Member Zodh's Avatar
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    Definitely not worth taking feats for it, because I'll be using offensive spells a lot more than a web. Conjuration will be good enough as is (:
    Zodh : sorc^140 // Zodha: fvs^60 // Zodhe: mnk^60 // Zodhr: barb^60 // Gnrl: bard^60 // Zodf: ftr^40
    Khyber / Elite Raiders [Facebook]

  4. #4
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    I approve :P Unique choice on feats - but it will play out well

    Clever thinking w/ Air Savant. Avoid penalty to FW/Polar Ray sounds like a good idea.
    Last edited by Goldeneye; 03-29-2011 at 04:45 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rus.andr0 View Post
    With the new update coming up it's time for me to perpetrate my last TR on Zodh - into a sorcerer (total 3wis, 3sorc; but missing 1 life @myddo cuz it was bugged for a while).
    So I've decided to make a quick review. Any suggestions to make this work better - are welsome.
    There we go.

    <True Neutral Human Sorcerer>

    Base Abilities

    12 STR
    8 DEX
    18 CON
    8 INT
    8 WIS
    18 CHA
    * where you put those 4 points after maxing CON/CHA - up to you; as for me - I don't like to be burdened and prefer STR.

    CHA analysis

    18 starting
    +5 lvl ups (23)
    +4 tome (27)
    +3 sorc charisma enhancements (30)
    +1 human adaptibility charisma (31)
    +7 helm (38)
    +3 exceptional (41)
    +1 litany (42)
    +2 ship shrine (44)
    +2 yugo pot (46)

    Skill points into UMD, Concentration and after lvl7 - Balance.


    +60 sp and +3 evocation from Sorcerer PLs
    +6 Spell Pen from Wizard PLs
    1 - Extend
    1 - Maximize
    3 - Empower
    6 - Wizar PL
    9 - Heighten
    12 - Quicken
    15 - Evocation 1
    18 - Evocation 2
    "fk toughness, if i am going to die i'll fly away '' (c) Smithers


    Arnor: Epic Red Dragonscale Robe, Epic Diabolist's Robe, Regalia of the Phoenix (Superior Inferno IX clicky)
    Head: Epic Helm of Frost
    Neck: Noxious Embers, Epic Torc of Prince Rayium-de II, Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead, Xachosian Eardweller, Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass
    Goggles: SP Greensteel
    Gloves: HP Greensteel, Epic Bramble-Casters
    Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Belt: any ToD belt with CON/GFL, Rakhir's Sash or Air Savant set.
    Boots: GS x3-neg boots with all immunities, Kundarak Devling Boots.
    ToD rings with exceptional cha and con, maybe Rakhir's Ring.
    Hands: Epic Staff of Inner Sight, Staff of the Petitioner, Epic Ornamented Dagger, Skiver, Epic Greenblade
    *Goodluck, Toughness, Heavy Fort, GFL and anything else that seems to be missing - on Augment Slots.
    *Abishai set is for +3 evocation is very good for nuking.


    Air Savant! Why Air? Well, first of all, if you are going fire or cold, you are gimping the opposite element.
    Going Air is reducing only acid/earth, so fire/cold will still pwn.
    As an Air Savant you are getting abundant_step-like ability: 5sp, 6sec cooldown /drool
    So I see no reasong of going something else but Air Savant. Only for fun.
    Very similar to what I'm going to do on Raste when U9 comes out, with a few exceptions in the feat list;

    Evo 2 will probably be uneeded for the vast majority of content; with waves of exhaustion debuffing 3, and solid fog debuffing 5, things won't be saving a lot.

    I'm also getting rid of Extend when U9 comes out; I can deal with recasting haste every 2 minutes. Instead, I'm putting these 2 feats in SF and GSF(Ench). Enchantment will still be the king of epics, so I'm planning on getting my Ench DC as high as it can. Remember, it adds 50% to all of your damage, so against trash it will be far superior to having 1 more evo DC. I'm still debating whether or not I should take quicken; I would either take extend, FoP, or Toughness.

    Not being WF means that FoP will be nice for scroll farming (getting held sucks), and I think evading damage will be extremely easy with air step. Keep in mind that normally quicken is most wanted for healing, and that you'll be scroll healing.

    EDIT: My Gear is going to be slightly different as well:
    Arnor: Epic Diabolist's Robe, Regalia of the Phoenix (Superior Inferno IX clicky), Black Dragonscale (will be wearing this while not webbing)
    Head: Epic Helm of Frost
    Neck: Noxious Embers, Epic Torc of Prince Rayium-de II, Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead, Xachosian Eardweller, (Not sure why you wanted Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass)
    Goggles: SP Greensteel
    Gloves: Vile Blasphemy/Glacier
    Bracers: GS Con Opp HP
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
    Belt: Vornes Belt
    Boots: Epic Corrosion
    Rings: Gnawed/Whatever with +2 con
    Hands: Staff of the Petitioner, Epic Ornamented Dagger
    *Goodluck, Toughness, Heavy Fort, GFL and anything else that seems to be missing - on Augment Slots.
    *Abishai set is for +3 evocation is very good for nuking.
    Last edited by Attropos; 03-29-2011 at 04:53 PM.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  6. #6
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Very similar to my plans for Sorcy Zebadiah (currently a Wizi for PL), but I like more INT for Skills over STR, but as you said it is a personal choice after maxing CHA and CON.

    One question about your Feats order:

    1 - Extend
    1 - Maximize
    3 - Empower
    6 - Wizar PL

    Do you normally take Extend at lvl one over say PL Wizi? I would think the MM ability would rock at low levels... I normally wait for Extend at lvl 6.

    Anyway, looks like a great build, cant wait to finish PL WIz and go back to being a Sorc - especially with the Savants coming next month!


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    Very similar to my plans for Sorcy Zebadiah (currently a Wizi for PL), but I like more INT for Skills over STR, but as you said it is a personal choice after maxing CHA and CON.

    One question about your Feats order:

    1 - Extend
    1 - Maximize
    3 - Empower
    6 - Wizar PL

    Do you normally take Extend at lvl one over say PL Wizi? I would think the MM ability would rock at low levels... I normally wait for Extend at lvl 6.

    Anyway, looks like a great build, cant wait to finish PL WIz and go back to being a Sorc - especially with the Savants coming next month!

    Can't take the PL at level 1.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  8. #8
    Community Member Zodh's Avatar
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    I'm still debating whether or not I should take quicken; I would either take extend, FoP, or Toughness.
    FoP is definitely a waste. You can prevent most will-based spells with Protection against evil, FoM and GH. Unless you like to pvp and don't like to be hypnotized or something (:

    Not being WF means that FoP will be nice for scroll farming (getting held sucks)
    FoM boots (:

    Do you normally take Extend at lvl one over say PL Wizi? I would think the MM ability would rock at low levels... I normally wait for Extend at lvl 6.
    Yes, you can take WizPL at lvl3, but it wouldn't really matter for me, because before Fireball/Firewall I will be using a greataxe with master's touch, rage, haste, bulls str, heroism, pathfinder set, googles of insight - you name it.
    Mobs got no AC at low levels so it's a solo melee stage for any class (:
    Zodh : sorc^140 // Zodha: fvs^60 // Zodhe: mnk^60 // Zodhr: barb^60 // Gnrl: bard^60 // Zodf: ftr^40
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rus.andr0 View Post
    FoP is definitely a waste. You can prevent most will-based spells with Protection against evil, FoM and GH. Unless you like to pvp and don't like to be hypnotized or something (:

    FoM boots (:
    Yea I guess it is. Why did I think the boots only protected against slippery surfaces? In that case, switch out the boots of corro in mine to kundark, and the gloves to *gasp* epic chargeds.
    Proud Piker of Elite Raiders

  10. #10
    Community Member Zodh's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Moved some feats around and removed Balance skill (knockdown immunity). Thanx Sherily
    Zodh : sorc^140 // Zodha: fvs^60 // Zodhe: mnk^60 // Zodhr: barb^60 // Gnrl: bard^60 // Zodf: ftr^40
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