With the new update coming up it's time for me to perpetrate my last TR on
Zodh - into a sorcerer (total 3wis, 3sorc; but missing 1 life @myddo cuz it was bugged for a while).
So I've decided to make a quick review. Any suggestions to make this work better - are welsome.
There we go.
<True Neutral Human Sorcerer>
Base Abilities
12 STR
18 CON
18 CHA
* where you put those 4 points after maxing CON/CHA - up to you; as for me - I don't like to be burdened and prefer STR.
CHA analysis
18 starting
+5 lvl ups (23)
+4 tome (27)
+3 sorc charisma enhancements (30)
+1 human adaptibility charisma (31)
+7 helm (38)
+3 exceptional (41)
+1 litany (42)
+2 ship shrine (44)
+2 yugo pot (46)
Skill points into UMD, Concentration.
+60 sp and +3 evocation from Sorcerer PLs
+6 Spell Pen from Wizard PLs
1 - Empower
1 - Maximize
3 - Wizar PL
6 - Extend
9 - Heighten
12 - Evocation 1
15 - Quicken
18 - Evocation 2
"fk toughness, if i am going to die i'll fly away
'' (c) Smithers
Arnor: Epic Red Dragonscale Robe, Epic Diabolist's Robe, Regalia of the Phoenix (Superior Inferno IX clicky)
Head: Epic Helm of Frost
Neck: Noxious Embers, Epic Torc of Prince Rayium-de II, Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
Trinket: Litany of the Dead, Xachosian Eardweller, Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass
Goggles: SP Greensteel
Gloves: HP Greensteel, Epic Bramble-Casters
Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak
Belt: any ToD belt with CON/GFL, Rakhir's Sash or Air Savant set.
Boots: GS x3-neg boots with all immunities, Kundarak Devling Boots.
ToD rings with exceptional cha and con, maybe Rakhir's Ring.
Hands: Epic Staff of Inner Sight, Staff of the Petitioner, Epic Ornamented Dagger, Skiver, Epic Greenblade
*Goodluck, Toughness, Heavy Fort, GFL and anything else that seems to be missing - on Augment Slots.
*Abishai set is for +3 evocation is very good for nuking.
Air Savant! Why Air? Well, first of all, if you are going fire or cold, you are gimping the opposite element.
Going Air is reducing only acid/earth, so fire/cold will still pwn.
As an Air Savant you are getting abundant_step-like ability: 5sp, 6sec cooldown /drool
So I see no reasong of going something else but Air Savant. Only for fun.