Originally Posted by
<Puts on black armband for hands-down the favourite toon I've played in DDO, and the one I've invested much time, love, and $ (real and imaginary) into.> Argh.
I've been through the U9 notes coming out of Lam a bunch of times, but somehow missed this (for me) build-breaking change. Because I was limited to 28-pt builds, I went with a Drow longsword TWF, who's currently sitting at 3 monk/13 pally/1 fighter, en route to 3/15/2 at lvl 20. The Drow significantly gimped my healing amp compared to a true Solar Phoenix, but it's still been enough to be an incredibly self-sufficient and fun toon. Well, it was, but clearly won't be now. Double argh.
Kudos to you, Solar, for trying to think through how to respond - I really have no idea what to do. The 'free' self-healing aspect of the original concept was it's greatest strength and appeal for me. Much as I love my pallies, I tend to agree with the poster who said that if you want an evasion DPSer with outstanding HA - which is ultimately what the 18Pal/2Monk is - then just build a 20 Human Monk and max all the healing amps (and for more more DPS go Dark with Ninja Spy II for the SA damage and ToD and situationally use the shortswords, which have the same crit profile as LS but can have puncturing; or, go light and retain the self-healing aspects of the original build).
That said, the healing curse never worked the way the forum discussions suggested it should. It's a base of 1 hp/hit, and I have the following healing amps:
Monk 1 = .1
Bracers in sun stance = .25
HOTDII = .20 (or .21 according to some who believe HOTDI and II multiply with each other)
DevIV = .4
House J ship buff = .1
If it's an additive relationship between the buffs, then it should be: 1 x [1+(.1 + .25 + .2 + .4 + .1, or 1.05)] = 2.05
If it's multiplicative, as OP indicates in this thread, then it should be: 1 x 1.1 x 1.25 x 1.2 x 1.4 x 1.1 = 2.54
So, either way, the healing shield should be yielding at least 2 hp/hit. But I still get only 1 about 1/3 of the time, but 3 the rest of the time. Moreover, I have been getting these results *since lvl 10*. HOTDII and Dev III and IV made NO difference to my shield. Sup Ardor pots do not affect my shield healing at all, only the finisher (I did notice the Devotion tiers affected the finisher).
On the finisher, I've gotten a low of 45 for myself up to 92 (without Ardor pots), and average in the low 70s (I know, that's lame compared to most doing variants of this build). But that doesn't square either: if the finisher does (current rules) 1d4 + 1d4 for every two character levels, then at 17th level = 9d4, or 9-36 x healing amp (2.05 or 2.54). That should mean I'd only get 18-72 (or 23-92 if multiplicative), and yet I seem to be doing better than that.
Apologies if previous Solar Phoenix threads have already discussed this issue, or how amps for the shield and finisher differ - I'd appreciate a link if so.