As for he orginal post.... No it's not THE reason but all design decisions most certianly at this point take into account suttle and not so suttle ways to push DDO store items no... Of course you CAN play the game very easily without thsoe items, but the way the game is now being designed it's very easy to blow points like crazy.
Business is business...
Wait wait wait...get this, imagine a wizard class that casts spells to do the majority of its damage instead. You know like a wizard that doesnt need to take the spell masters touch and lug around a two handed martial weapon to contribute to combat. U9 might be the point where when building an arcane caster, you no longer think to yourself "Is a 14 str going to cut it or should I risk taking away from my 16 con to bump it up."![]()
(Memnir was talking about how Echoes of Power would make my assessment invalid)
How does always having enough mana regen to have at least TWELVE mana make me not want to drink a mana potion? Because I can cast an unmaximized unempowered magic missile at the epic mob?
Do you honestly think that having an extra +1 or +2 to hit is more important than enough hitpoints to survive? You're already 10 base attack bonus behind any pure melee class, before you account for feats, enhancements, the difference in strength, etc. Unheld monsters are a bit tough for a caster to hit; you'd be better off carrying around several divine power clickies to give you a temporary +10 to hit (by raising your BAB) than reducing your con to increase strength.
Anytime you have a game that is adding new content every few months, there are bound to be tweeks (AKA Nerfs) to try to rebalance the game, and correct implementation errors.
Last edited by Thalmor; 03-29-2011 at 12:28 PM.
Where is my GREATBOW???
Because you can now use your SLAs to at least get you to the next Shrine. They get free metamagics, too, remember. The new Echoes ability is essentially limitless spell-casting. Yeah, you may not be able to pull the big sexy spells out at will... but you will still contribute - and you will still make it to the next Shrine just fine. In fact, you'll make it there better then you did before.
And, if any of these spell changes radically impacts your ability in getting to that next Shrine without sucking down an SP pot, then I think you were the kind of player who had trouble doing so before the changes too. Being a caster is like spending on a budget - use what you have wisely and to the most impact and you'll be fine. Blow the budget on something stupid and you'll be in trouble. The changes to non-extendable WoF are not that bad. As I said - most things die before a currently extended WoF burns out anyways.
Like the esteemed Mr. Sheen has said... Plan better.
The spell overhaul was a long time coming. It was needed before the Store, and the overhaul has nothing at all to do with selling pots to anyone who didn't need/want to buy them before this.
Based on your comment you must not play a Wizard.
Sorcs and FvS are getting PRE's - just like Archmage.
12 SP lets me cast 12 maximized - empowered - quickened - magic missiles as an archmage - or a mix of maximized, quickened, empowered, magic missiles and chain missiles, and force fireballs, and hypno's -
The spell costs for PRE spells are all low enough that 12 SP is enough for several casts at a time.
That's why he's pointing it out - because it's a total game changers for any casting class with SLA's.
Yeah, that is what i was thinking, 12 mana that "regens" over time???? lol it truly is laughable, a token gesture really. The whole paragraph Turbine uses to describe it is really more effort than what the totality of what that mana is worth; I think though they were getting paid by per word on that definition.
I guess it might be enough to cast invisiblility and run away. [please soemone show me the mana cost on that] lol
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332
What I read is that when you are lower than 12 mana you regen mana until you hit 12. Even if this regen is slow - there are quite a few tricks you can pull off with SLA's with 12 mana - no it's not incredible cosmic power - but it means if you have an SLA you are never without *some* kind of option.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332
ddo is one of the most free mmo's out there not to mention well made so you pay for it cous you enjoy it but someone could unlock evrything on a f2p account .
[tin foil hat] and we all know spells are beeing changed becous of shapshifting kobold people from the crystal cove have infiltrated the turbin developers team ... the CIA mossad kgb there all in on it !! [/tin foil hat]
Virt II makes elujin smile!
I was thinking of starting a similar post, but I have a more rosy outlook on the nerfs.
The fact is a large amount of cash has been put into the DDO economy. Heal scroll, recon scrolls and all consumables are now a drop in the bucket for a huge majority of player. No one has any reason to complain about having to use in game buyable consumables. More over a huge amount of powerful items were injected into the game.
Those things combined make the current game much easier and the 'nerf' (if you want to call it that. Feel free to tell the people rolling up Sorc) along with the hold change, is just a way to get the games difficulty back in line.
didnt they say that when you get your PRE, the echo mana regen will vanish?