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What is the cooldown on haste boost? Presumably, over a 10 minute fight, a half-orc kensai III pure fighter will pop off all 10 haste boosts for 200 seconds of haste boost (133.3 attacks/minute) and for the other 400 seconds will be at 102.2 attacks/minute. (133.3/60*200+102.2/60*400)/10=112.57 which gives a higher attack speed than handwraps (111.3)... which is interesting for me. 10% doublestrike for both fighting styles isn't counted (but shouldn't change the outcome). I think 10 minutes is a good ball park time frame over which DPS can be measured as there aren't many fights that are considerably longer than this.
This is why I like the idea of a half-orc 12 ranger, 7 rogue, 1 monk (or 6 ranger, 13 rogue, 1 monk). 100% offhand proc, 10x25% haste boosts/day, fastest number of hits/second, good sneak attack, unarmed (assuming that even though the shield bonus from tempest doesn't work with unarmed that the offhand proc rate still applies which I'm fairly certain on but haven't personally tested).
That leaves handwraps on a pure monk vs khopesh on a pure kensai relying on 100% offhand strength mod ... never, ever going to add up.