Here's the thing...
You mention the inactive alts... THEY DON'T MATTER... It's account based not character based.
This is where there is a huge whole in your proposal. You base it on characters whereas the real basis should be accounts.
And I'm sorry but any good end game guild (aka any guild trying to get to max level) is going to be more organized than using the in game tools and they will have a strict recruiting policy that is followed by the officers.
Last edited by Elyanna; 03-28-2011 at 02:32 PM.
I only suggested those things because they could be used for the purposes of the OP for whatever godawful reason you'd want to collect taxes. However, they have more usefulness than forcing the guild to pay taxes so it's sort of a compromise and it adds new useful features for guilds to use. I think the sheet to track contributions would be useful for bookkeeping, because if your TP suddenly explodes by 5k overnight you'd probably want to know why and who to thank right? =)
I agree you should have a good recruiting policy and some out of the game tools, but that does not run contrary to my proposal...
You can have both. You can have a good recruiting standard, a massive effort in a website, but you can at the same time have more ingame support. I modified the original post and clarified my proposal. Please take a look and I'm sure you can see it's not as radical as you think.
I noticed but the main post still kind of suggests taxes. Might be poorly worded? As I understand it you want a system to "encourage" members to pay into a guild bank that sends mail to remind them to do so and basically if they don't the guild leader can take whatever action they deem necessary. I understand that as "not taxes" *Wink wink, nudge nudge.*
But regardless I offered said compromise which seems to add enough useful features to be satisfying while still offering you the tools you're requesting? I missed out on like an hour of this conversation so I may be behind. D=
Only thing wrong is astrals are donated at the guild airship vendor and are only able to be turned in as a minimum of five which with the current drop rate in quests makes them a flipping joke to get other than from the store. Oh which you can't buy less than 5 from the store also so any gotten from questing are still near useless.
Ok so you want to make guilds more useful in game. There's a ton of stuff better to ask for (most of these have been asked for before).
How about a real guild bank for items and plat and such?
How about a guild calendar with ability to schedule guild raids and events including reserving spots?
How about a guild Roster that shows which alts belong to which account but doesn't give details such as login id away?
How about a guild awards for length of membership and other various other notable accomplishments?
How about guild armor/shield or robe design?
How about more guild ranks than we have? I bet some guilds would like to be able to put new members in a probationary rank before making them a full member.
These options, which are off the top of my head, would help the game better than the ability to account for which character/account gave x renown which is truly based on luck of a roll on a random generator.
Last edited by Elyanna; 03-28-2011 at 03:03 PM.
/not signed on you OP, for most of the same reasons others have already posted.
As for the above quote, you are wrong on so many levels it is not even funny.
The devs for DDO do not really care about your guild size or about how hard you work on it; otherwise, they would have done two things; first the renown earned would not be totally random and second they would have put in ways to stop easy abuse, such as certain un-named guilds recruiting every new player on Korthos or those who have bought every antique bronze token off the AH and jumped their guild 20 levels in one day. (Both of the before mentioned examples can be found in these very forums)
The decay system is in place to give the appearance of growth, and give a guild something to work towards (if a guild cares to do so) without letting everyone get to level 100 in a week’s time.
Guild rewards are a semi-nice addition to DDO and they have many plusses; however, the amount of grief already introduced into the system is more than enough to deal with, without adding a whole new layer to it.
Do you really play ddo, or do you have more fun with ACCPACK? (accounting software) This idea only appeals to griefers, you have stated that you do not want this to be a pay your dues or be kicked type thing, but how would you stop it from being just that?
How would guild leaders enforce the payment of dues, without the option of kicking the player?
Tp = to real money, a guild could recruit people, require a due of 100tp and after being paid kick the people giving the guild extra tp for no work, would Turbine refund the tp? or remove it from the guild/guildleaders account?
Big guilds do not need, and rarely have dues, and rarely have problems, it seems like this is an idea to make a lazy guild leaders job easier.
Turbine wants it to be hard to get a guild to lvl 100, the harder it is the more people want to get their guild to that lvl, as they see it as a challenge, and there for they buy more renown buff elixirs, which makes Turbine more money.
The idea that another player could force me to pay more money than I already do to play ddo is absurd, a player honors the guild leader by choosing that persons guild to lend their rep to, and to a much lesser degree a player gains some respect for being part of a respected guild, but these gains are not equal, ship buffs are there to make up the difference.
I am a part of a large guild its lvl 52 currently and is increasing by 1 or 2 lvls a week, the guild leader generally buys all the amenities, and airships without asking for donations (we do donate, but that's because we like him) he also gives out loot buffs and renown buffs for free.
Also note that high lvl guilds do not need a lot of members, there are several small guilds (less than 30 members) at lvl 65+ (fewer members = less renown decay + small guild bonus = win).
/ Not signed
Last edited by Spoonman457; 03-28-2011 at 03:53 PM. Reason: spelling
"Clerics Can't Cure Stupidity"---Djarin
/not signed
Everyone in my guild and most people on the Khyber server know that if I can help them out I will. I have given away plat and items when asked and even when not asked usually without a thought of recompense. If we are running an elite TOD and I am running on my ranger, I will help spring for heal scrolls, mana pots, etc to make the run go more smoothly. If someone is looking for that last boot ingredient, I have been known to give it to them knowing that sometime in the future, they will do the same for me. This is what a guild/virtual friendship is all about, not dues or taxes...
So if your guild is asking for dues or taxes of some sort, it may be time to find a new guild
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge
Dear OP. Don't get me wrong. I am just a single guild leader. I may be in the minority. I do love some of your ideas though.
why can't we transfer money between toons more easily... how hard is it to make the shared bank hold money?
Guild master ability to send mass mails
Shared guild bank with contribution tracking system
Guild Mass Mail: Gives the leader or whoever has the power to send out mass emails to all members
I love each of these suggestions.
maybe those are not very good friends, are they?
Every person in our guild are friends first.
guild dues? really?
oh joy, you're so uber i have to pay to be in your guild with you?
guess i'll stick to pugging and no airship amenities. it's not like quests
are hard to begin with.
nope, no thanks.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
Too much possibility for abuse.
I object to seeing other player renown / donation contributions. I've seen guilds ran around this concept before, back when I played Guild Wars. If you were a regular contributor to the cause, even if you didn't reach the point it felt like a second job you often would be booted in many guilds if real life interfered with your gaming obligations(obligations, what a dirty word for a video game)
Seeing renown contributions would feel like a step away from the basic community focus of DDO guilds.
Involving real money via astral diamonds / TP infinitely complicates matters. No longer are we dealing with pixel money you can make by the truckloads, trivializing any need for airship amenity upkeep(officers I know pay for this with the plat they find in between the couch cushions), but with real money and real world headaches that ultimately Turbine would have to deal with. Your system isn't intended to be used to grief or take advantage of players, but it will be. Gold dubloons arguably weren't intended to break the ddo bank by overflowing everyone's bags with plat, but it did.
Ultimately, if you want to run a guild dues system that's your prerogative, but don't be surprised when the majority of us don't want developer time wasted on a questionable feature a tiny fraction of the DDO community might want.
I wouldn't be so upset for plat but TP points is where I draw the line. Most TP i get I pay for with real money. I'm not going to pay real money to be in a guild.
So by making things easier it would make the more organised stand out? I think not.
There are many features I would like added to the game for guilds.
- Mass guild mail.
- Mail/tell to guildy from guild list.
- Marking of characters from the same account somehow.
- Sort out the succesion system so some guilds can have leaders again.
- Donate button to DONATE (not tax/not dues but voluntarily donate) to a pool that will auto renew amenities.
Your idea does not make the list.
You are trying to ask Turbine to code an inhouse guild rule into the game code. The amount of guilds doing this is minimal I would think so I see no need for it in the game.
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
These are pretty good ideas.
1) I have been talking with my fellow guild mates, and the idea of knowing who's who's alt has come up quite a bit. So a means to know if you are playing with the GL alt might be a good idea, that way you know if the player is on and active even if the toon that is wearing the crown is not.
2) There has been much talk of a succession system, usurp option, or something along those lines. It is in the works, and Turbine knows inactive guild leaders are a growing issue in the game currently and that "something" needs to be done about this.
3) The idea of something of a similar vein to current way everyone can contribute for an Airship, have another "vendor" in the show room that allows us to just drop money in to auto up-dates the amenities is an idea I support, only because I would use it just to save myself the time of doing each amenity manually. Maybe have a check box so I can set which ones I want to auto update and which ones I don't, just in case I want to let an amenity expire so I can change it without loosing any plat for it's usage.
I had at first thought it might be a good idea to track who donated what, so I could offer reward and praise to those that gave, but I see now I realize that a tracking system would only be used by people like OP to grief guild members. And the game is better off without such a system.
Why would i trust Turbine to keep track of this information better than a htird party? What if the server is down, what if Turbine messes up, then you have guild people hounding Turbine over stuff that adds nothing to other peoples play experience. If you think this is such a great idea, build a third party site with some nice back-end software to keep track of it, and trust the officers to update it.
I, and most other people, are really not interested in wasting cpu cycles, storage, or maintenance time on running your little guild dictatorship. Seriously.
If it's important enough to you, you can create a guild website and obtain or write up some software to do this. Surely, a self-less guild member who wants better organization can do this easily using some framework. Letting the devs work on game content.