This is to all of you who take the time to assume you know what your talking about. I have been around quite some time. I have a fairly good idea of the value of "MY" junk. If I feel I can sell my "Ring of the Ancestors" for say 200K..well guess what, I might. Or I may ask 750K for it. Maybe more.
It is mine, and I can set the price for whatever I want to. There is no need for you to bombard me with tells telling me I am "charging to much", "ripping someone off", "ballooning the market" ( <--one of my favorites.). I have been sent nasty tells for some of my trade items.
Bottom line: It is mine and I can sell it for whatever I choose.
These are pixels people. No need to get so worked up about other persons pixels,
So mind your own pixels and move along.
Aaahh, I feel better now.