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  1. #1
    Community Member BelleBrosna's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Birthday Wishes to the KP

    (Disclaimer: I am not Khallyope, the Elven Rogue1/Ranger 18 Arcane Archer. I am Wifey the Lich. The title is merely a fanfic-type ode to the KP Project. All characters, crushes and such are the intellectual property of KP Project ©)

    You’ve come a long way, baby. In June last year, you discovered DDO. You watched the promotional trailer with wide eyes and gushed about your experiences with PnP. Almost immediately, upon opening the character creation screen, I could tell you were hooked.

    You made your first character and you were instantly devoted. Just as I have seen you do with other games we have played, you obsessed over every detail and threw yourself into the game with wide-eyed enthusiasm. At first, I tolerated your ‘compulsive completer’ habit until I could no longer deny my altoholism. When you realised that your first ‘toon’ was a ‘gimp’ (terms that were not generally used in our previous MMO - well, except for the latter which was usually an insult hurled after a slightly more creative PvPer had exhausted their expletives - you set about creating your favorite type of character.

    Several incarnations of Elven beauties came and went. All of them red-haired Artemis-types. Finally, you created Khallyope and as she climbed to a grand level 4.2 you nursed an idea, a way to marry your love of gaming as a Ranger with your love of writing. Thus, The Khallyope Project was born. I am proud of you for writing that first post, one that was totally overlooked by the entire community until a few of your later followers searched your forum history and then left buried in the back pages of General Gameplay. *wink* It was not the KP Project that we now read weekly but it was the beginning. I am proud of every single post you have written, and I hope you continue to document Khally's journey. (Spoiler: TR in the works!) I, for one, will read them all.

    During your frequent reports you managed to express your joy and convey that shiny new wonder to the forum community. Being sat by your side, I have always been able to see that elation and commiserate with your failures and pit my lame newb knowledge against your lame newb knowledge. However, having your experience written clearly in a public forum seemed to enliven every new quest and made me re-think the way I play.

    Thanks to a mysterious ‘MuffinMan’ and 'Sparrow' responding to your plea for a dragon to slay in this game of Dungeons and Dragons, we are part of a new, smaller and more intimate community of people we are just getting to know but who already seem like friends of many years. Sparrow, Bourne, Nerfherder, Cider, Atom, Lancelot, Samaritan, Salk, Beethoven, Plushy, Wonder Boy and others who have not had their alternate identities made known yet. It is this guild and assorted wonderful friends that we will probably choose to spend your birthday with, dreaded Real Life permitting.

    So, this Monday 28th March- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can not wait to see where Khallyope is on her journey in another year's time. I have a feeling that I know where *you*will be. Sat next to me, plugged into vent and sharing your birthday with good friends.

    Happy birthday, babe, I love you.

    Wifey, the Lich.
    Last edited by BelleBrosna; 03-28-2011 at 09:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member TeyaBrosna's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Thank you, sweetheart. That really means a lot to me.

  3. #3
    Community Member Romak's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Happy Birthday!
    The Unrepentant: A Gaming Community

  4. #4
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Happy Birfday.

  5. #5
    Founder kitselli's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Woot!

    Sorry I missed it! Happy Birthday Khally!
    Last edited by kitselli; 03-30-2011 at 02:23 PM.
    If you want to travel quickly, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.

    Forum account 7286 of 424302 (and growing)

  6. #6
    Community Member RenigadeWolf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    <~ manged to avoid the forums for a few weeks now. just now getting back to them sorry guys.

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